Content last revised: 1996/10/10
(1) Pre-flight Phase
(a) Flight Planning
(i) a practical oral examination on applicable flight planning procedures, flight planning information sources and maintenance release procedures; and
(ii) a practical oral examination on the helicopter flight manual including limitations, loading, weight and balance, applicable flight manual supplements and the significance and use of performance charts.
(b) Pre-flight Inspection
(i) a visual and, as applicable, functional exterior and interior inspection of the helicopter to show a practical knowledge of the airframe, major components, systems and applicable servicing procedures;
(ii) use of check lists and procedures including engine and system checks; and
(iii) pre-flight checks of communications, navigation, electrical, flight instruments and ice protection systems as appropriate.
(2) Flight Phase
(a) Taxiing and Hover Manoeuvres
(i) taxiing includes, when appropriate to the helicopter configuration, both ground and air taxi and, where a second-in-command is undergoing the pilot proficiency check, taxiing to the extent practical from the second-in-command position;
(ii) taxiing in compliance with instructions issued by air traffic control or by the person conducting the pilot proficiency check;
(iii) compliance with appropriate taxi, hover and pre-departure check procedures;
(iv) 360 degree hover turns, sideward and rearward hovering manoeuvres and, when practical, out of wind stationary hovering;
(v) landing from a hover to a sloped surface and take-off to a hover from a sloped surface; and
(vi) landing following simulated engine failure during hover or air taxi.
(b) Departure, Air Work, Approaches
(i) normal transition to forward flight, climb to assigned altitude and normal approach and landing;
(ii) for single-engine and multi-engine helicopters a take-off with a rapid deceleration or rejected take-off procedure;
(iii) for multi-engine helicopters a simulated failure of one engine during take-off that will allow continued climb in forward flight;
(iv) at assigned altitude climbs, descents and level flight throughout the normal speed range of the helicopter including steep turns with a change of heading of at least 180 degrees but not more than 360 degrees;
(v) for single-engine helicopters autorotation approaches terminating at a pre-determined area in a landing or power recovery. At least one approach shall require a turn during autorotation descent through at least 180 degrees;
(vi) for multi-engine helicopters a simulated engine failure at assigned cruise altitude and an approach and landing with one engine inoperative;
(vii) confined landing area procedure and approach terminating in a landing, hover or rejected approach and, when practical, a confined area departure; and
(viii) steep approach which may be combined with the confined area procedure.
(c) Instrument Procedures
Instrument procedures will consist of IFR pre-flight preparation, departure and enroute procedures, terminal procedures and system malfunctions.
(i) instrument take-off so that instrument flight conditions are entered or simulated at or before reaching an altitude of 200 feet above take-off elevation;
(ii) an area departure and an area arrival procedure where the pilot:
(A) adheres to actual or simulated air traffic control clearances and instructions; and
(B) properly uses available navigation facilities;
(iii) a holding procedure that may be combined with an area arrival or departure and includes entry to, maintaining of and leaving a holding pattern;
(iv) at least two instrument approaches performed in accordance with procedures and limitations for the approach facility used;
(v) at least one missed approach procedure and at least one landing after transition from an instrument approach procedure; and
(vi) emergencies and system malfunctions may be simulated during any phase of the flight.
(d) Normal and Abnormal Procedures
The pilot shall demonstrate use of as many of the normal and abnormal procedures for installed systems, devices and aids as the person conducting the check find necessary to determine that the pilot has the knowledge and ability to properly use installed equipment such as:
(i) anti-icing and de-icing systems;
(ii) automatic flight control and auto-pilot systems; and
(iii) weather radar.
(e) Emergency Procedures, Malfunctions and Flight Characteristics
(i) Emergency and Malfunctions
The pilot shall demonstrate or where demonstration is impractical, show knowledge of, proper procedures for as many of the emergency situations and malfunctions listed below as necessary to determine adequate knowledge and ability:
(A) fire in flight;
(B) smoke control;
(C) anti-torque control failure and malfunctions;
(D) emergency descent;
(E) hydraulic and electrical system failures and malfunctions;
(F) flight instrument system failure and malfunction; and
(G) any emergency procedure included in the flight manual or helicopter operating manual.
(ii) Flight Characteristics
The pilot shall show a practical knowledge of:
(A) settling with power, vortex ring state and dynamic rollover to determine that the pilot is aware of causes, prevention and appropriate recovery procedures; and
(B) applicable flight characteristics peculiar to the helicopter type and configuration.