From: Transport Canada
Social media has become more than sharing memes, posting selfies, and tweeting what you had for breakfast. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are among some of the most powerful communication tools to interact with the public, and to show Canadians what Transport Canada employees do to promote safe and secure transportation in Canada.
Transport Canada’s Twitter and Facebook accounts have become well established over the years, and the number of followers and overall reach continues to rise on both platforms and in both official languages. But, as newer social media platforms emerge, Transport Canada’s social media presence must also expand to meet the needs of, and communicate with, the department’s diverse audiences. Thus, the launch of Transport Canada’s Instagram!
This past April, Transport Canada’s Instagram page was officially live and ready for “likes” (or double-taps, if you will). There was an initial following of 627 users, but it quickly grew to 2000 users and counting. With more followers comes a higher demand for unique, “picturesque” content, and that’s exactly what Transport Canada’s Social Media team is pursuing.
Transport Canada’s Instagram is more than an image gallery of aesthetically pleasing planes, trains, and automobiles, though it is that. It’s also a platform that allows the public to catch a glimpse of the unique and important tasks carried out every day across the country by our employees – whether in a plane, on a vessel, on train tracks, at a testing center, or in the office.
The Social Media team at Transport Canada is taking a more proactive approach to feature Transport Canada employees on social media, following the lead of their driven, social media-savvy Executive Director, Jacqueline Roy. From messaging on employee lock screens, electronic advertisements on lobby television screens, and by word-of-mouth, the Social Media team is calling on Transport Canada employees across the country to submit photos taken while in the field to demonstrate what goes on behind the scenes.
We want to show Canadians how we serve them every day, and what’s it’s like to work at Transport Canada. If you’re a Transport Canada employee with a camera – or smartphone – and a passion for photography and your career, submit your photos to the Social Media team – they’re just an email away!
We encourage you to view your surroundings with a “Canadian lens” – think about what the average Canadian wants to see or know about the work done in your region, and how you make a difference; you might just be the next most-liked post!