Resident of Lillooet, British Columbia #1

Lillooet, BC xxx

Director General, Environmental Policy
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street
Place de Ville, Tower C
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5

Dear Sir or Madam

Please find enclosed previous documentation and ongoing environmental concerns. Once informed of the Government of Canada plan to launch consultations for locomotive emissions regulations, I documented the following:

December 18, 2010 – Locomotive No. 5675, 2551 and 8862, idle time 10:30 AM til 8:30 PM total 10 hours

December 19, 2010 – Locomotive No. 2610, 2340 and 2558, idle time 10 AM til 8:40 PM total 10.5 hours

December 24, 2010 – Locomotive No. 2436 idle time 1 PM thu 1PM December 26, 2010 total 48 hours

My issue with this procedure is the dispersal of air emissions, only a stones throw from my front doorstep. In a perfect world the solution would be to turn the locomotives to the off position, but through a regulatory plan at least limit them to a intermittent unmanned idle period.

Yours sincerely
