Resident of Lillooet, British Columbia #2

Lillooet BC


10 February 2011

Director General, Environmental Policy
Transport Canada
330 Sparks St
Place de Ville, Tower C
K1A 0N5

Dear Sir or Madam

Please find some examples of ongoing environmental concerns we deal with on a regular basis near our home with regards to CN Rail.

Dec.19,2010 –
6 locomotives arrive @10 am 3 left to north @11.15 am
3 stayed across from our house until 20:45


Dec.20,2010 –
6 locomotives @10:08 am
3 go north @12:00
3 stay across our home until 20:15



Dec.28,2010 –
6 locomotives arrive @15:15 3 go north @16:13
3 remain until 23:00



Jan.01,2011 –
5 locomotives arrive @11:00 3 leave @11:45
3 stay across from our home until20:45



Feb.01,2011 –
6 locomotive arrive @12:45
3 move on
3 stay behind until Feb.02 @10:50


Please note that the engines that remain on the tracks for hours are idling continuously on a medium to high volume. This is undoubtedly a real burden on the nervous system.

Besides serious emissions and the irritating noise, on days that there is the slightest northerly breeze, the fumes actually enter the house through the chimney, vents, etc. Our home is situated approx.70ft away.

If CN would consider looking into this ongoing problem in our neighbourhood, I believe that, in this case they may be able to assist somewhat.

For example, by parking the waiting locomotives on the south end of the rail yard where it is open, no houses or other significent buildings, then the emissions would disperse along the Fraser River and in this manner, not affecting the residents as much.

I also believe that consistency is important especially when followed by all crews.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,
