Text Versions of Images

Please refer to the examples below to understand how to enter your trip details with the touchscreen.

  1. Description of the most recent stop
  2. Correct answers to the questions on key-on after most recent stop
  3. Driving to the next stop

Example 1: Tractor-trailer making a single cargo pick-up and drop-off from a warehouse to a retail store.

#1 Picked-Up Tractor at Truck Terminal

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Reposition vehicle
    * ( Also acceptable answers would be rest, driver change).

#2 Picked-Up Dry Van Trailer at Truck Terminal

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Pick-up Cargo
  • Location: Truck Terminal
  • Vehicle Configuration: Tractor and one trailer
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: Vehicle is empty


Select “Pick-up Cargo” when you’re picking-up a trailer


#3 Picked-Up 1,000 Kg of Food Products at Warehouse

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Pick-up Cargo
  • Location: Warehouse/Depot
  • Vehicle Configuration: Tractor and one trailer
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: 1,000kg
  • Cargo: Agriculture/Food/Beverages

#4 Stopped for Coffee Break

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Food/Rest

#5 Dropped-Off 1,000 Kg of Food Products at Retail Store

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off Cargo
  • Location: Retail Outlet
  • Vehicle Configuration: Tractor and one trailer
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: Vehicle is Empty

#6 Dropped-Off Dry Van Trailer at Truck Terminal

If the dry van trailer was dropped off without turning off the engine you can hit Stop on the logger to enter the trip information.

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off Cargo
  • Location: Truck Terminal
  • Vehicle Configuration: Tractor only
  • Weight/Volume: Vehicle is Empty

#7 Parked Tractor at Truck Terminal

*This example stops when you keyed-off to park at terminal.

Example 2: Straight truck example of multiple deliveries from a warehouse to retail stores.

#1 Picked-Up Straight Truck at Truck Terminal

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Reposition vehicle *(Also acceptable answers would be rest, driver change).

#2 Picked-Up 1,000 Kg of Electronics at Warehouse

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Pick-up Cargo
  • Location: Warehouse/Depot
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: 1,000kg
  • Cargo: Electronics/Finished goods/LTL

#3 Stopped for Fuel

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Fuel

#4 Dropped-Off 600 Kg of Electronics at Retail Store

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off Cargo
  • Location: Retail Outlet
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: 400 Kg
  • Cargo: Electronics/Finished goods/LTL


Enter weight on board: 400kg (1,000kg – 600kg)


#5 Dropped-Off 400 Kg of Electronics at Retail Store

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off Cargo
  • Location: Retail Outlet
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: Vehicle is Empty


Enter weight on board: Vehicle is empty (400kg – 400kg)


#6 Dropped-Off Straight Truck at Truck Terminal

*This example stops when you keyed-off to park at terminal.

Example 3: Straight truck example of a frequent delivery of different cargo from a warehouse to retail store.

#1 Picked-Up Straight Truck at Truck Terminal

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Reposition vehicle *(Also acceptable answers would be rest, driver change).

#2 Picked-Up 1,000 Kg of Electronics and 1,000 Kg of Machinery at Warehouse

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Pick-up Cargo
  • Location: Warehouse/Depot
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: 2,000 Kg
  • Cargo: Electronics/Finished goods/LTL


When the weight of both items is the same, select the cargo item that is the most expensive or, if value not known, the most important item.


#3 Stopped for Fuel

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Other reasons for stop (load unchanged)
  • Other reasons for stop: Fuel

#4 Dropped-Off 1,000 Kg of Machinery and Picked-Up 500 Kg of Finished Products at Warehouse

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off and Pick-up Cargo
  • Location: Retail Outlet
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: 1,500 Kg
  • Cargo: Electronics/Finished goods/LTL


Enter weight on board:
1,500kg (2,000Kg – 1,000Kg + 500Kg)


#5 Dropped-Off 1,000 Kg of Electronics and 500 Kg of Finished Products at Retail Store

Correct key-on answers would be:

  • Reason for stop: Drop-Off Cargo
  • Location: Retail Outlet
  • Vehicle Configuration: Straight truck
  • Body Style: Dry Van
  • Weight/Volume: Vehicle is Empty

#6 Drop-Off Straight Truck at Truck Terminal

*This example stops when you keyed-off to park at terminal.