Disclosure of Transfer Payments Under $5 Million

Table of Contents

Name of transfer payment program Grant to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Program (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 3:  A safe and secure transportation system
Program 3.1: Aviation Safety
Sub-program 3.1.1: Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
Main objective To enhance the safety of air transport operations in parts of the world that require assistance. Projects under ICAO’s Cooperative and Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness program involve cooperative agreements between defined groups of states, with the goal of establishing a self-sustaining safety oversight system within those states.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $130,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups International organizations and foreign countries (International Civil Aviation Organization)
Name of transfer payment program Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 3:  A safe and secure transportation system
Program 3.4: Motor Vehicle Safety
Sub-program 3.4.3: Motor Carrier Safety
Main objective To provide federal co-funding in the form of contributions to the Provinces, Territories and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators to help establish a national regulatory framework for motor carrier safety.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $4,442,681
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups Provinces and Territories
Non-profit organizations (Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators)
Name of transfer payment program Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure
Sub-program1.3.1: Airport Infrastructure
Sub-sub-program Small Aerodrome Support
Main objective To assist designated airports in financing eligible operating deficits to ensure essential operations and maintenance are completed at those airports.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $1,600,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups Municipalities and local organizations
Provinces and Territories
Name of transfer payment program Labrador Coastal Airstrips Restoration Program (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure
Sub-program 1.3.1: Airport Infrastructure
Sub-sub-program Small Aerodrome Support
Main objective To fulfill the Government of Canada’s commitment under the 1982 Labrador Air/Marine Services Agreement with the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador to restore the airstrips along the Labrador coast, thereby ensuring the operational capability of the airstrips is maintained at the level necessary to meet Transport Canada airport certification requirements. 
Planned spending for 2017-18 $1,000,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2007–08
General targeted recipient groups Provinces and Territories (Province of Newfoundland and Labrador)
Name of transfer payment program Contribution in Support of Boating Safety (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 3:  A safe and secure transportation system
Program 3.2: Marine Safety
Sub-program 3.2.2: Marine Safety Oversight
Main Objective The goal of the Boating Safety Contribution Program is to promote boating safety awareness and advance boating safety practices through education and outreach to recreational and commercial fishing boaters.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $1,000,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations
Provinces and Territories
Municipalities and local organizations
(Public safety organizations and enforcement services)
Non-profit organizations
(Educational and Healthcare institutions)
Other: Entities with facilities specializing in safety and medical research
Name of transfer payment program Allowances to Former Employees of Newfoundland Railways, Steamships and Telecommunications Services Transferred to Canadian National Railways (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure
Sub-program 1.3.3: Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
Sub-sub-program Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support
Main objective To make supplemental pension payments to former employees of Newfoundland Railways, Steamships and Telecommunications Services who transferred to Canadian National Railway following the union of Newfoundland with Canada. Transport Canada assumed responsibility for the portion of pension costs not payable by Canadian National Railway or the Government of Newfoundland for the transferred employees.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $484,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Persons (Former employees of Newfoundland Railways, Steamships and Telecommunications Services who transferred to Canadian National Railway)
Name of transfer payment program Transportation Association of Canada (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure
Sub-program 1.3.3: Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
Sub-sub-program Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support
Main objective

To contribute to improved roads, safety, environmental protection and a more efficient transportation system by:

  • Identifying common interests;
  • Developing and harmonizing best practices among jurisdictions; and
  • Improving the knowledge base to produce better decisions and policies.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $419,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012–13
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations (Transportation Association of Canada)
Name of transfer payment program Payments to Other Governments or International Agencies for the Operation and Maintenance of Airports, Air Navigation and Airways Facilities (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 3:  A safe and secure transportation system
Program 3.1: Aviation Safety
Sub-program 3.1.1: Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework
Main objective To enhance the safety of air transport operations by ensuring that funds are available to cover the operation and financing of facilities and services for the safety of international air traffic provided by Denmark and Iceland for civil aircraft flying across the North Atlantic.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $100,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups International organizations and foreign countries (International Civil Aviation Organization)
Name of transfer payment program Canadian Transportation Research Forum’s Scholarship Program (Voted)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.1: Transportation Marketplace Framework
Sub-program 1.1.5: Transportation Analysis and Innovation
Main objective The purpose of this Contribution Program is to provide funding assistance for scholarships awarded by the Canadian Transportation Research Forum in an effort to promote and encourage transportation research in Canada and support capacity building in the transportation sector.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $24,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations (Canadian Transportation Research Forum)
Name of transfer payment program Community Participation Funding Program (Voted)
End date March 31, 2020
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 2: A clean transportation system
Program 2.2: Clean Water from Transportation
Sub-program 2.2.1: Clean Water Regulatory Framework
Main objective The overall objective of this Program is to encourage effective participation of Aboriginal and local communities, as well as increase the capacity of those communities to engage and share their knowledge and expertise in the development and improvement of Canada’s marine transportation system, including area response planning activities.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $200,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations or individuals representing local communities; and Aboriginal groups or their representatives
Name of transfer payment program Contribution Program for the Centre of Excellence for the Marine Transportation of Oil and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) (Voted)
End date March 31, 2019
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 2: A clean transportation system
Program 2.2: Clean Water from Transportation
Sub-program 2.2.1: Clean Water Regulatory Framework
Main objective The objective of this program is to contribute to provide funding to the Centre of Excellence to support its establishment as a leading, independent source of information and best practices for the marine transportation of oil and LNG commodities, and to promote and facilitate research that deliver the highest standards for the safe and sustainable shipping of Canada’s oil and LNG.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $1,489,984
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organization (Clear Seas Centre For Responsible Marine Shipping Society)
Name of transfer payment program Payments to the Canadian National (CN) Railway Company Following the Termination of the Collection of Tolls on the Victoria Bridge, Montreal and for Rehabilitation Work on the Roadway Portion of the Bridge (Statutory)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture Strategic Outcome 1:  An efficient transportation system
Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure
Sub-program 1.3.3: Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure
Sub-sub-program Bridge Stewardship
Main objective In 1963, an agreement was put in place with CN once tolls were no longer collected from owners or operators of vehicles using the bridge. The agreement has not affected, in any way, CN’s right of ownership of the bridge and the roadway facilities, nor has it affected CN’s power to regulate and control the vehicular traffic allowed to use the bridge. Since the effective date of the agreement, CN has continued to make the roadway facilities on the bridge available for public use in return for compensation received from Transport Canada towards the operation, maintenance and repairs of the roadway portion of the bridge and the approaches.
Planned spending for 2017-18 $3,300,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Industry-related (CN Railway)