Corporate Data Pathfinder


Tired of using spreadsheets for planning? Have a Transport Canada email address? Check this out.

The Corporate Data Pathfinder, or CDP, is a web-based system for planning and performance measurement.

But it's not just a spreadsheet replacement.

The CDP saves time with powerful automation that consolidates information from multiple sources into a budget plan.

Create your activities, add costs to them, and push a button to automatically generate your budget plan.

Compare your planned budget to your notional budget in real-time.

The data in the CDP is available for integration with other systems such as financial and reporting systems. For example, dashboards created on the Power BI platform.

Using the dashboards, management can be aware of how their teams are trending across a number of budget dimensions.

It can be overwhelming to manage the administrative tasks that go along with planning and still have time to analyze and make sense of the information.

Your teams will love how the CDP saves time by simplifying the administrative tasks - leaving time for more important activities.

The CDP is live and has been used for two years to do budget planning across TC.

It was designed as a platform we can leverage to build other modules – which we have done for departmental performance measurement.

So, get rid of the spreadsheets and improve your planning today.