Record of Decision
Meeting of Thursday, March 19, 2015
Attendees: For a complete list of attendees, please refer to RDIMS 10503556
Agenda Item | Decisions / Action Items | Sponsor |
1. Opening Remarks by Chair |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the participants. Laureen Kinney, Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security, attended the meeting to extend her thanks to the members for their work and dedication. She was also happy to report that TC has already implemented most of the recommendations. |
Chris Powers
Chair, ER Task Force Transport Canada |
2. Approval of the Agenda | The Agenda was approved as presented. | All |
3. Approval of the February 19, 2015 Meeting Record of Decision |
The February 19, 2015 Decision Record was reviewed and the following update was given on the action items:
Mylaine DesRosiers ERTF Secretariat Transport Canada |
4. Subgroup 5 Update |
The Chair provided an update regarding Subgroup 5 on Training. The Subgroup has now had three meetings: The first meeting on February 18 included a presentation by Bobby Breed from SRS ( a private company specializing in response to large flammable liquids derailment incidents) identifying several critical factors to consider when dealing with these incidents in a safe manner and which are not currently well understood by municipal fire services. The second meeting held on March 4, included a review of the First Responder Issue Paper and presentation. The third meeting was held on March 17 and included several presentations, including one from the Fertilizer Institute, providing a great example of a group effort on safety training and the steps used to carry out. Peter Grootendorst (JIBC) provided a matrix of suggested levels of training for various levels of response. An informal discussion continued in the afternoon of March 17. Danny Simpson (CN) provided information about existing U.S. programs (AAR/API) that can be used and modified for Canada. Danny Simpson informed members that AAR/API have since provided permission for their material to be used in Canada. |
Chris Powers Chair, ERTF Transport Canada |
5. Subgroup 3 Update |
The Vice-chair provided an update regarding Subgroup 3 on Flammable Liquids. The SMEs have researched and analyzed ~900 products using MSDS. As a result, SMEs identified ~400 Flammable Liquids listed on the spreadsheet. The SMEs are categorizing the information based on inherent hazards. For ease of reference, SMEs are organizing the information in a spreadsheet. SMEs presented suggested criteria; there will be proposed recommendations regarding Class 3 PG I and PG II flammable liquids provided in their Report. The Class 3 PG I data is complete, SMEs are now looking at Class 3 PG II materials. The PG II data will be ready by end of March, and the will be provided to the Subgroup members on April 1. The analysis and methodology have been documented by the SMEs in their written report that will be provided to Subgroup 3. This information along with Subgroup 3 proposed recommendations can then be provided to the ERTF. Subgroup 3 is expected to wrap up April 1 and Subgroup 4 will begin in April. There is more scientific data and analysis to be done on Class 3 PG III and subsidiary classes. The TDG Directorate could continue the analysis pertaining to Class III with subsidiary classes and other classes that would have a subsidiary class 3. Items for future consideration: – if the identified flammable liquid should be ERAPable and if the volume and frequency of transport should be a factor in the determination. |
Louis Laferrière
Vice-chair, ERTF Transport Canada |
6. Update on Next Steps: ERTF’s Second Quarterly Report |
The ERTF Second Quarterly Report provides a report on the outcome of our various meetings and a summary of activities in the last quarter. The Secretariat writes the report, and tries to capture all the comments from members. The Comments section from the Chair and Vice-Chair are strictly their views. Note: there are two annexes attached to the report; the Subgroup 1 Report and the NFPA Submission. Q: When will it be publically available? A (Nicole Girard, DG): Once it has been seen by the Minister, then it can be made public. The TDG Senior Management Committee will be discussing the recommendations a proposing a response plan. She will be reporting back to the ERTF. The TDG Directorate reviewing the Terms of Reference and assessing how to get everything done as timely as possible. |
Chris Powers
Chair, ERTF Transport Canada |
7. Presentation: Mapping of Crude Oil and Ethanol by Rail |
Monica Blaney presented her group’s mapping of crude oil and methanol by rail. They are waiting for confirmation on Ethanol STCC codes to begin mapping for that product. GIS is the software/mapping tool used by TC for mapping dangerous goods locations and activity centres based on publically available information. It can identify retailers, manufacturers, suppliers and can include the location of infrastructures such as schools and hospitals. The software allows you to zoom down to the rail lines and road network. It also allows layered mapping. Example of Fire Station mapping in Vancouver, BC. Her team is also mapping fire station locations and rail lines in Canada. The mapping provides important data for spatial analysis and risk analysis. It allows the tracking of fire stations vs. population vs. rail routes and would provide useful information for emergency planning purposes.Members commented that such data mapping would be useful to response teams especially if it includes location of foam, water supply and equipment. Monica indicated that TC could consider licensing agreements with industry share the information developed by TDG. Example of Mapping of TDG Accidents, based on hypothetical situations: This is a Dangerous Goods Incident Information System owned by TC. It can be used with Google Earth Mash Up software The detail that can be incorporated into a Google Map (terrain, elevation etc) with nationwide TDG Map locations, including all modes (air, rail, road) and each point can include all the details. Monica explained how you can add more layers of data, i.e.: water flow and direction, even topography and groundwater. TC is currently working with Environment Canada to add this data in the database. There is another model GIS Tech for modeling oil spills on land. Example of Map of crude oil by rail; This map illustrates domestic movement in 2013, including some travel through the US; a 2nd map show Imports from the U.S. to Canada, a 3rd map shows just exports going out, a 4th map of just bridge traffic – going overland via Canada but destinations U.S. to U.S. Q: Accident reporting criteria: what is the consistency of what is considered an accident? A: An accident is defined as per what is reportable under the TDG Act. TC is working with the provincial authorities to gather the information that falls under their jurisdiction First nation locations have been identified and included on the list to be mapped with their fire capabilities. TC is currently seeking approval/agreement. The presentation will be shared to Task Force members with the exclusion of the rail slides. For any specific questions/comments, email the ERTF Secretariat at Members asked if TC considered accessing the database used by insurance companies to set insurance rates, which includes fire station location A: Discussions did occur, but did not result in an agreement. |
Monica Blaney
Chief Safety Analytics Transport Canada |
8. Update on feedback regarding Regulation 8.1 |
Trudy Iwanyshyn provided a verbal update on the F/P/T Task Force and Reg 8.1. She provided feedback regarding Section 8.1; and review of table in 8.1. Part 8 amendments are expected to be published in the Canada Gazette I in April 2015. Comments from F/P/T Task Force members will be submitted to Transport Canada and will be shared with ERTF members. F/P/T/ members were interested in specific instance where people were NOT notified. Gaps were identified regarding notification of an incident – it varied greatly by jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions are suggesting training and awareness, other are suggesting direct reporting to CANUTEC. Notification is a discussion item on the agenda for the May 2015 meeting. Reporting requirements are for dangerous goods incidents only. If the incident doesn’t involve a dangerous good, there is no obligation to report it. Comment: In the U.S. there is a ‘one call’ system; F/P/T Task Force may want to consider as an option. |
Trudy Iwanyshyn, Director
Dangerous Goods, Rail Safety & 511 Alberta and Chair of F/P/T Task Force |
9. Presentation: Municipal Perspective and Priorities |
Andrée Chenard presented on FCM Rail Safety Priorities and expectations:
She voices communities’ concerns over the application of PD 32 and its limitations, such as non-disclosure agreements that municipality’s staff must sign before accessing the data. The process is considered intimidating and the agreement fails to clarify who the staff can communicate the information to for planning purposes. Kevin Clifford (CAFC) further explained that these agreements stipulate legal sanctions in case of unauthorized disclosure. The stipulation is considered by some communities as “over the top”. Danny Simpson (CN): suggested having another look at the wording of those non-disclosure agreement to improve it and ensure it meets the intent. This information is secured and should be provided only to staff involved in emergency planning. Andrée Chenard (FCM): Suggests improving the way the non-disclosure agreement is communicated, making sure municipal staff are aware of whom they can communicate with. The agreement (1 piece of paper) speaks to “anyone who is involved in emergency preparedness” is able and allowed to look at the data,. Without clarifying if communicating the information at the departmental or managerial level is allowed Response (Chris P, Chair): The intent is to make it available for emergency planning only. The intent wasn’t to limit it to Fire Chiefs only. |
Andrée Chenard, Senior Policy Advisor
Federation of Canadian Municipalities |
10. Presentation: TRANSCAER Program |
Kara Edwards presented on the TRANSCAER program. She indicated that it is a national program designed to ensure that communities are aware of dangerous goods passing through their area. The program was recently extended to flammable liquids. Participation to TRANSCAER events allows outreach and networking. The participants are mostly first responders in communities where there have been near misses of incidents; or new communities that now have oil passing through their community. Volunteer firefighters can participate for free. Communities are chosen based on products being transported in the area or following a community request. Participation to TRANSCAER events is voluntary. This year, the organization is looking into expanding to include ERAP material and future events will now include CANUTEC and TDG’s participation. |
Kara Edwards
11. Update of Subgroup 4 (activation) |
ACTION ITEM: Louis Laferriere to confirm if non-members can participate. |
ERTF Secretariat
Louis Laferrière Vice-chair, ERTF Transport Canada |
12. Roundtable – Questions and Answers |
Task Force members we asked what they would like to see done over the summer/fall and consider priorities. In summary, members support the idea to continue working pass the June 2015 deadline, indicating the importance of keeping momentum, recognizing that the work is crucial to the First Responders and emergency contractors. Members would prefer sessions of 2 or 3 consecutive days meetings to increase productivity and minimize the impact on other work;
The Secretariat reminded members to submit their suggestions for agenda items to Mylaine DesRosiers ( or the Secretariat ( Participants’ concerns, questions or suggestions are included in a consultation record which will be updated on a regular basis (RDIMS 9712281). |
NEXT MEETING | When: Thursday, April 16, 2015
Where: 330 Sparks Street, Place de Ville – Tower C, Ottawa, Ontario (FC 27-28-29-30) Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST |
All |