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Part 6

As of March 2020, the TDG Regulations will appear on the Justice Laws website.

TDG Regulations


The TDG Regulations have been consolidated to include amendment SOR/2019-101 (Emergency Response Assistance Plan).

Disclaimer: These documents are not the official versions
(more details).







Definitions for the following terms, used in this Part, are provided in Part 1, Coming into Force, Repeal, Interpretation, General Provisions and Special Cases:

  • accidental release
  • aircraft
  • certification safety mark
  • 49 CFR
  • classification
  • dangerous goods
  • dangerous goods safety mark
  • emergency
  • employer
  • ERAP SOR/2019-101
  • handling
  • ICAO Technical Instructions
  • IMDG Code
  • imminent accidental release
  • inspector
  • means of containment
  • offer for transport
  • person
  • public safety
  • railway vehicle
  • road vehicle
  • safety requirements
  • safety standards
  • shipping documents
  • shipping name
  • train
  • vessel SOR/2017-253

6.1 Training Certificate Requirements

  • (1) A person who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods must
    • (a) be adequately trained and hold a training certificate in accordance with this Part; or
    • (b) perform those activities in the presence and under the direct supervision of a person who is adequately trained and who holds a training certificate in accordance with this Part.
  • (2) An employer must not direct or allow an employee to handle, offer for transport or transport dangerous goods unless the employee
    • (a) is adequately trained and holds a training certificate in accordance with this Part; or
    • (b) performs those activities in the presence and under the direct supervision of a person who is adequately trained and who holds a training certificate in accordance with this Part.

6.2 Adequate Training

A person is adequately trained if the person has a sound knowledge of all the topics listed in paragraphs (a) to (m) that relate directly to the person's duties and to the dangerous goods the person is expected to handle, offer for transport or transport:

  • (a) the classification criteria and test methods in Part 2, Classification;
  • (b) shipping names;
  • (c) the use of Schedules 1, 2 and 3;
  • (d) the shipping document and train consist requirements in Part 3, Documentation;
  • (e) the dangerous goods safety marks requirements in Part 4, Dangerous Goods Safety Marks;
  • (f) the certification safety marks requirements, safety requirements and safety standards in Part 5, Means of Containment;
  • (g) the ERAP requirements in Part 7, Emergency Response Assistance Plan;
  • (h) the report requirements in Part 8 (Reporting Requirements);
  • (i) safe handling and transportation practices for dangerous goods, including the characteristics of the dangerous goods;
  • (j) the proper use of any equipment used to handle or transport the dangerous goods;
  • (k) the reasonable emergency measures the person must take to reduce or eliminate any danger to public safety that results or may reasonably be expected to result from an accidental release of the dangerous goods;
  • (l) for air transport, the aspects of training set out in Chapter 4, Training, of Part 1, General, of the ICAO Technical Instructions for the persons named in that Chapter and the requirements in Part 12, Air, of these Regulations; and

    The ICAO Technical Instructions require the approval of training programmes for air carriers. Information may be obtained from the Chief, Dangerous Goods Standards, Civil Aviation, Transport Canada.

  • (m) for marine transport, the requirements of the IMDG Code and the requirements of Part 11 (Marine) of these Regulations.

6.3 Issuance and Contents of a Training Certificate

  • (1) An employer who has reasonable grounds to believe that an employee is adequately trained and will perform duties to which the training relates must issue a training certificate to the employee that includes the following information:
    • (a) the name and address of the place of business of the employer;

      The place of business could be a local office, a regional office or a head office.

    • (b) the employee's name;
    • (c) the date the training certificate expires, preceded by the words "Expires on" or "Date d'expiration"; and
    • (d) the aspects of handling, offering for transport or transporting dangerous goods for which the employee is trained, including the specific topics set out in section 6.2.

      Examples of how aspects of training may be shown on a certificate are:

      All aspects of handling and transporting chlorine
      All aspects of transporting dangerous goods included in Class 1
      All aspects of acceptance procedures for transporting by air
      All aspects of handling and transporting propane by vessel
  • (2) A self-employed person who has reasonable grounds to believe that he or she is adequately trained and who will perform duties to which the training relates must issue to himself or herself a training certificate that includes the information required by subsection (1).
  • (3) The training certificate must be signed
    • (a) by the employee and by the employer or another employee acting on behalf of the employer; or
    • (b) in the case of a self-employed person, by that person.
  • (4) Despite subsection (1), if the employer of a person who is a member of a vessel's complement has reasonable grounds to believe that the person's certificate of competency issued in accordance with the "Marine Certification Regulations" is acceptable evidence that the person is adequately trained, the employer is not required to issue the training certificate. The certificate of competency is a valid training certificate for the purposes of these Regulations when the certificate of competency is valid in Canada.

6.4 Foreign Carriers

  • (1) A document that is issued to a driver of a road vehicle licensed in the United States or to a member of the crew of a train subject to 49 CFR for the transportation of dangerous goods and that indicates that the driver or the crew member is trained in accordance with sections 172.700 to 172.704 of 49 CFR is a valid training certificate for the purposes of these Regulations when that document is valid in the United States.
  • (2) A document that is issued to a foreign member of the flight crew of an aircraft registered in a country that is a Member State of the International Civil Aviation Organization and that indicates that the crew member is trained to transport dangerous goods by air is a valid training certificate for the purposes of these Regulations, in accordance with Article 33 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, when that document is valid in the Member State.
  • (3) A document that is issued to a foreign member of the crew of a vessel registered in a country that is a Member State of the International Maritime Organization and that indicates that the crew member is trained to transport dangerous goods by vessel is a valid training certificate for the purposes of these Regulations when that document is valid in the Member State.

6.5 Expiry of a Training Certificate

A training certificate expires

  • (a) for transport by aircraft, 24 months after its date of issuance; and
  • (b) for transport by road vehicle, railway vehicle or vessel, 36 months after its date of issuance.

    A person's training should be up-to-date with these Regulations which, in turn, incorporate by reference other documents such as the ICAO Technical Instructions, the IMDG Code and the "Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulations". Consequently, additional training may have to be undertaken if regulatory changes applicable to the person's duties occur before the training certificate expires.

6.6 Keeping Proof of Training: Employer's and Self-employed Person's Responsibility

An employer or a self-employed person must keep a record of training or a statement of experience, as well as a copy of a training certificate, in electronic or paper form, beginning on the date the training certificate is issued and continuing until two years after the date it expires.

6.7 Showing Proof of Training: Employer's and Self-employed Person's Responsibility

Within 15 days after the date of a written request by an inspector, the employer of a person who holds a training certificate or a self-employed person must provide a copy of the training certificate to the inspector and, if applicable, a copy of the record of training or the statement of experience and a description of the training material used in the person's training.

6.8 Showing Proof of Training: Trained Person's Responsibility

A person who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods, or who directly supervises another person engaged in these activities, must give his or her training certificate, or a copy of it, to an inspector immediately on request.