Gateways and Border Crossings Fund

Name of transfer payment program Gateways and Border Crossings Fund
Start date February 7, 2008
End date March 31, 2018
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2013–14
Strategic Outcome An efficient transportation system
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 1.2: Gateways and Corridors

Sub-program 1.2.2: Gateways and Border Crossings Fund

Description The Gateways and Border Crossings Fund is a merit-based program that funds transportation infrastructure and other related initiatives to develop and exploit Canada's strategic gateways, trade corridors and border crossings and to better integrate the national transportation system.
Results achieved

Since the program began, over 50 infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects in nine provinces have been announced under the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund. Commitments have included investments in highway infrastructure, strategic border crossings, as well as major ports and airports. Major infrastructure projects supported include construction of the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway leading to the New Windsor-Detroit International Crossing; construction of Circle Drive Southwest in Saskatoon; plaza improvements at Queenston-Lewiston Bridge; and improvements at the Port of Sept-Îles. These investments are intended to enhance the flow of people and goods between Canada and the rest of the world by improving and integrating Canada’s transportation system.

In 2014–15, four infrastructure projects were completed, including improvements to the Trans-Canada Highway in Headingley, Manitoba; the Richmond Terminals Multipurpose Gateway Extension at the Port of Halifax; Circle Drive Southwest in Saskatoon, and the SmartBay Expansion project in Newfoundland. Additionally, construction on more than 10 infrastructure projects continued over the year.

Strategic marketing is an essential tool in attracting international trade and investment in a competitive global marketplace. Under the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund, $2.25 million in contribution funding was available for Atlantic Gateway International Marketing initiatives to promote a successful Gateway that can compete internationally and take advantage of global commercial opportunities. International trade promotion, marketing and market research are part of the core elements of the Atlantic Gateway and Trade Corridor Strategy.

Examples of marketing activities that have been supported by Transport Canada throughout the year include contribution funding for the promotion of the Atlantic Gateway at the Breakbulk Americas 2014 Trade Show for the production of marketing materials for the Atlantic Gateway-Halifax Logistics Park with the objective of attracting new international businesses and trade to the logistics hub.

An open-call for proposals for the remainder of the Atlantic Gateway International Marketing Fund was launched in December 2014, to foster stakeholder interest in seeking funding under this program.

Comments on variances

The 2014–15 variance was primarily due to delays on infrastructure projects, notably the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway due to a change to the milestone payment schedule and the Beyond the Border suite of border wait-time projects due to protracted negotiations with stakeholders.

Audits completed or planned No audit was completed during the reporting period.
Evaluations completed or planned No evaluation was completed during the reporting period.
Engagement of applicants and recipients

Engagement initiatives include targeted calls for project proposals; consultations and meetings with partners and stakeholders; and promoting at gateway/trade-related conferences.


Performance Information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2012–13 Actual Spending 2013–14 Actual Spending 2014–15 Planned Spending 2014–15
Total Authorities Available for Use
2014–15 Actual Spending (Authorities Used) Variance (2014–15 planned minus 2014–15 actual)
Total Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Contributions 223,207,249 128,832,901 470,934,398 470,934,398 336,389,054 134,545,344
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Program 223,207,249 128,832,901 470,934,398 470,934,398 336,389,054 134,545,344