Grade Crossing Improvement Program approved under the Railway Safety Act

Name of transfer payment program Grade Crossing Improvement Program approved under the Railway Safety Act
Start date January 1, 1989
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2009–10
Strategic Outcome A safe and secure transportation system
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 3.3: Rail Safety

Sub-program 3.3.3: Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement

Description Payments made to railway companies and road authorities (including provinces and municipalities) to improve safety at public road-railway grade crossings.
Results achieved In 2014–15, 590 of the 641 approved projects were completed. In total, 45 projects were not completed due to project delays, and six projects were not completed due to operational reasons (ineligible costs, alternate plans, etc.).
Comments on variances The primary cause of the $2.70 million variance between planned and actual spending for 2014–15 results from estimated project costs being greater than the actual construction costs. The variance is also due to project delays, as some projects did not complete construction due to schedule complications or weather conditions.
Audits completed or planned No audit was completed during the reporting period.
Evaluations completed or planned Completed March 9, 2015
Engagement of applicants and recipients Engagement activities include quarterly conference calls with key recipients, Transport Canada’s dedicated GCIP website (containing the program description, applicant guides and TC contact information) and Rail Safety Program Outreach activities.
Performance Information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2012–13 Actual spending 2013–14 Actual spending 2014–15 Planned spending 2014–15 Total authorities available for use 2014–15 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2014–15 planned minus 2014–15 actual)
Total grants 140,000 95,000 300,000 200,000 95,000 205,000
Total contributions 11,949,960 7,052,349 10,945,000 10,447,342 8,402,976 2,542,024
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 12,100,000 7,100,000 11,200,000 10,600,000 8,500,000 2,700,000