Grants and Contributions to Support Clean Transportation Initiatives

Name of transfer payment program Grants and Contributions to Support Clean Transportation Initiatives
Start date 2011–12
End date 2015–16
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2011–12
Strategic Outcome A clean transportation system
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 2.1: Clean Air from Transportation

Sub-program 2.1.2: Clean Air Initiatives

Description Transfer payment funding is provided through three initiatives: Clean Rail Academic Grant Program, Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking and Shore Power Technology for Ports Program.
Results achieved

Clean Rail Academic Grant Program: Clean transportation technologies are available to users. This program increases a focus in Canadian universities on the program’s priorities, accelerates the development of clean technologies for the rail industry and enables the rail industry to better comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking: In 2014–15, Transport Canada signed a multi-year contribution agreement with Port Metro Vancouver for the Common Data Interface System Implementation Project. This project is aimed at improved technologies and communications to better integrate operations across container terminals and better coordinate and schedule container trucking movements. The department also continued to monitor the progress of a multi-year project to reduce emissions at the Port of Montreal. This project is installing radio frequency identification technology to improve intermodal access and truck traffic flow, reducing overall congestion and emissions at the Port. In addition, Port Metro Vancouver completed the Container Drayage Truck Efficiency (GPS) Full Implementation Program, in which the trucking fleet was equipped with GPS units to help track and communicate important routing, operational and congestion information with vehicle truck operators on a real-time basis, improving efficiency at the Port.

Shore Power Technology for Ports Program: Three projects have been completed, including the upgrade and enhancement of the shore power systems at Port Metro Vancouver’s Canada Place Cruise Terminal, the installation of a shore power system at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal and the installation of a cruise ship shore power system at the Port of Halifax. The construction of three additional projects is underway, including the installation and upgrade of shore power systems at several British Columbia Ferry Services terminals started in 2013–14.

Comments on variances

Clean Rail Academic Grant Program: A call for applications was conducted in 2014–15 and these applications were evaluated. Following an evaluation of the applications, the funding for the projects was postponed to next fiscal year.

Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking: In 2014–15, Transport Canada and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority reallocated funding for the Common Data Interface Systems Project from 2015–16 to 2014–15 due to shifting timelines. The shift in funding by fiscal year will not change the total amount of contribution funding or total percentage of funding paid by Transport Canada as the adjustment will be made in 2015–16.

Shore Power Technology for Ports Program: The program’s initial 2014–15 allocation was $15.3 million, of which $12.2 million was re-profiled to future years to support recipients’ funding requirements and $0.56 million was not required for program need.

Audits completed or planned No audit was completed during the reporting period.
Evaluations completed or planned Completed March 2, 2015
Engagement of applicants and recipients

Formal consultation sessions were held across Canada and meetings with port authorities, terminal operators, trucking operators, industry associations, other supply chain participants, and provinces.

On-line application, guidance material and service standards have been posted on the department’s website.

Ongoing outreach and engagement with industry and provinces are taking place to explain program objectives and eligibility requirements.

Performance Information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2012–13 Actual spending 2013–14 Actual spending 2014–15 Planned spending 2014–15 Total authorities available for use 2014–15 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2014–15 planned minus 2014–15 actual)
Total grants 250,000 250,000 250,000 277,351 27,350 222,650
Total contributions 0 5,247,655 18,418,941 10,785,965 5,890,807 12,528,134
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 250,000 5,497,655 18,668,941 11,063,316 5,918,157 12,750,784