5.0 Course Provider Submissions for Approval

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Before implementing TP 15080 E , Course Providers must:

  1. Develop their Online Study Guide, based on their current course manual (containing all elements from TP 14932 E ) and organized according to TP 15080 E ;
  2. Submit a complete package that includes:
    • a completed application (see Appendix A),
    • a full, hard-copy description of the content, layout and design of the Online Study Guide in the language that it will be delivered* (printout of every page from the table of contents to the chapter review quizzes);
    • a completed Knowledge requirement presentation summary and Formal declaration of the Boating Safety Online Study Guide Content (Appendix C) available upon request;
    • a complete print-out of all chapter review quiz questions including all responses and correction grids (minimum of 200);
    • a web address ( URL ) of the development site (on the application form) which will grant TCMS access for the purposes of review and approval and;
    • appendix B will serve as a checklist to ensure course providers follow the requirements as set out in TP 15080 E .
      * If delivered in both English and in French, please provide both copies.
  3. Demonstrate to TCMS that all requirements of these Standards are met.

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