Marine transportation

Licence, certify and register a vessel, safety and training, navigational aids, commercial vessels, pleasure craft.

Services and information


Services and information

Marine Safety in Canada

Marine safety program, recreational boating, commercial vessels, compliance and enforcement.

Navigation and marine conditions

Navigation by region, communications and traffic systems, nautical charts, weather reports, icebreaking, navigation aids.

Buying a boat

Buying a pleasure craft, apply for or manage a Pleasure Craft Licence, education courses for recreational boaters, how to be a responsible boat owner, manufacturers and importers of small vessels.

Preparing to operate your vessel

Pleasure Craft Operator Card, proof of competency, pleasure craft courtesy check, operating a human-powered craft, filing a trip plan, maintaining a safe pleasure craft, visitor information.

Seafarer Certification

Standards for marine education, marine medical training, seafarer certification, registry and records.

Vessel licensing and registration

Pleasure craft licence, commercial vessel registration, coasting trade licence.

Vessel inspection and certification

Canadian and non-Canadian commercial vessels, fishing vessels, voluntary compliance programs, exemptions, appeals.

Protecting our navigable waters

Laws concerning navigable waters, Navigation Protection Program, Common Project Search, research on water navigability.

Vessel design, construction and maintenance

Requirements and compliance, serial numbers, Approved Products Catalogue, vessel stability, radio communications.

Arctic shipping

Voyage reporting requirements, pollution prevention rules, cruise ships, polar class vessel requirements, crewing requirements.

Marine pollution and environmental response

Ballast water, marine spills, tanker safety requirements, reporting marine pollution, abandoned boats.

Ports, harbours and anchorages

Service standards at federally funded ports, port fees, Canada Port Authorities, small craft harbours, anchorages.

Liability and Compensation

Responsibility to pay for incidents involving oil pollution, wrecks, passengers, hazardous and noxious substances.

Marine accidents and investigations

Marine investigations, reports, recommendations and responses, reporting marine accidents, unsafe acts or conditions.

Marine emergencies

Reporting marine emergencies and concerns, Coast Guard search and rescue.

Marine security

Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group, Integrated Cargo Security Strategy, Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program.

Canada’s International Maritime Presence

Learn more about Canada’s presence at international maritime organizations.