Certification Guide for Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service Providers - TP 15238 E

The International Labour Organization adopted the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC, 2006) in February 2006. The MLC, 2006 requires that seafarers have access to an efficient and well-regulated seafarer recruitment and placement system.

The Marine Personnel Regulations (MPR) require any person operating a seafarer recruitment and placement service in Canada to hold a Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service (SRPS) Licence issued by Transport Canada (TC).

This Guide applies to all SRPS responsible for recruiting or placing seafarers for work on Canadian vessels, including fishing vessels on a near coastal voyage, Class 1 or an unlimited voyage, or foreign vessels.

This Guide does not apply to a SRPS operated by a trade union certified by the Canada Industrial Relations Board under the Canada Labour Code.

To request this document please contact MSS-SRPS-SRPGM-SSM@tc.gc.ca.