Lifting & Carrying

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Safe Working Practices Regulations, Section 90.

Each year, many seafarers are injured through incorrect lifting, carrying, pulling and levering of loads. Remember, your legs are much stronger than your back, and so they should take the strain in any lifting operation.

The main principles are:

  1. Stand close to the load with your feet slightly apart, so that the lift will be as straight as possible.
  2. Bend your knees, keeping the back straight to ensure that your legs do the work. Keep your chin tucked in.
  3. Grip the load with your whole hand, not just fingertips. If there isn't enough room under a heavy load to do this, place a piece of wood underneath first.
  4. Lift by straightening your legs, keeping the load close to your body. Don't twist your body. If the load is too heavy, ask for help in lifting it. Never carry a load in such a way that you cannot see where you are going.


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