Metric Conversion Tables

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Marine weather forecasts originating outside Canada may not use metric measurements. The following tables will be useful when interpreting these forecasts.

Wave Height
Metres Feet
1 3
2 7
3 10
4 13
5 16
6 20
7 23
8 26
9 30
10 33
15 49
20 66


Barometric Pressure
Millibars Kilopascals Inches
950 95,0 28,1
970 97,0 28,6
990 99,0 29,2
1 000 100,0 29,5
1 013 101,3 29,9
1 020 102,0 30,1
1 040 104,0 30,7
1 060 106,0 31,3
Note: "Normal" atmospheric
pressure is 1 013 millibars.


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