Other Equipment (continued)

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Anchors and Cable


The weight of anchor you need depends on the length, breadth and depth of the vessel. Use approximately 6 metres of chain on the outer end of the anchor cable. The cable itself may be link chain, wire rope, manilla rope, other fibre rope of equal strength, or a combination of chain and rope.

The size and length of cable you need depends on the weight of the anchor. The table below provides some guidelines.

Weight of main anchor (kilograms)   Minimum diameter of chain or wire rope (millimetres) Minimum circumference of manilla or other rope (millimetres) Length of cable (metres)  
1 or 2 anchors... 45 9.5 64 55*  
1 or 2 anchors... 90 12.5 89 55*  
1 or 2 anchors... 135 14.0 102 82  
2 anchors... 180 16.0 114 100  
2 anchors... 230   17.5 127 137
2 anchors... 270 19.0 127 137  
*If two anchors are carried, the total length of cable shall be increased to 82 metres.

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