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1. Recognizing that present Canadian regulations applicable to passenger vessels do not incorporate the latest international requirements, Transport Canada Marine Safety has adopted the following Standards for the design and operation of Canadian registered non convention passenger vessels pursuant to paragraph 10(1)(b) of the Canada Shipping Act 2001.

2. These Standards are based upon amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea ( SOLAS ) 1974, and the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto. These amendments, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee ( MSC ) of the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) on 21 April 1988 as Resolution MSC . 11(55) and on 28 October, 1988 as Resolution MSC . 12(56), are intended to enhance the safety of passenger vessels by defining standards of residual damage stability, and by ensuring that a stability assessment of a vessel's condition prior to sailing can be readily performed by vessel personnel. The operation of cargo loading doors and monitoring of enclosed ro ro cargo and special category spaces to ensure the maintenance of the watertight integrity of a vessel are also addressed, as well as supplementary emergency lighting requirements.

3. SOLAS Chapter II 1, Regulation 8 specifies the damaged stability requirements for passenger vessels to which the above amendments apply. These requirements have been used for Part II of these Standards, which supersedes the corresponding sections of Part I and Part II (and associated Schedule II) of the Hull Construction Regulations for those vessels to which these Standards apply. Regulations 8-1 extend the application of Regulation 8 to existing Ro-Ro passenger vessels. Regulations 8-2 and 8-3 introduce the requirements for a two-compartments standard of subdivision of Ro-Ro and non Ro-Ro vessels carrying 400 persons or more.

3.1 The SOLAS criteria have been adapted in Part II for application on existing vessels and on vessels operating in more protected waters based on a risk analysis. For smaller vessels, alternative compliance standards have been introduced.

3.2 An alternative compliance option based on the Static Equivalent Method ( SEM ) is also available for exiting Ro-Ro vessels.

3.3 For new vessels built after 1 January 2009 the new SOLAS probabilistic method introduced by Resolution MSC .194(80) adopted on 20 May 2005 may also be applied for the damage stability assessment.

3.4 The requirements of Part II are to be applied in advance of the intention to update the following provisions:

  1. Part I, sections 9 and 12 of the Hull Construction Regulations
  2. Part II, sections 24, 25, 26 and 32 of the Hull Construction Regulations
  3. Schedule 1 and 2 of the Hull Construction Regulations
  4. Chapter II, sections 5.1.1 to 5.1.5 and sections 6.2 to 6.4 of the Standards for the Construction and Inspection of Small Passenger Vessels, TP 11717

4. Parts III, IV and V of these Standards dealing with lightship surveys, stability calculation and cargo door operation are in addition to any existing requirements contained in the Hull Construction Regulations or in TP 7301 “STABILITY, SUBDIVISION AND LOAD LINE STANDARDS”.

5. Part VI of these Standards concerning monitoring of shell and cargo loading doors supersedes the requirements of Part VII of the Hull Construction Regulations for those passenger vessels with enclosed ro ro cargo spaces or special category spaces to which these Standards apply. Part VII specifies the supplementary emergency lighting required for the same vessels in addition to that contained in TP 127 “SHIP SAFETY ELECTRICAL STANDARDS”.

6. The amendments referred to, and dates of entry into force, are as follows:

Item Entry Into Force
New Ships Existing Ships
1. Residual Damage Stability 1 October 2007 As per phase-in schedule in Part II
2. Lightship Survey 1 April 1991 1 April 1991
3. Stability Assessment 1 Sept 1991 1 Sept 1991
4. Operation of Cargo Doors 1 April 1991 1 April 1991
5. Door Indicators 1 April 1991 1 April 1991*
6. Leakage Detection 1 April 1991 1 April 1991
7. Surveillance of Ro Ro Spaces 1 April 1991 1 April 1991
8. Emergency Lighting 1 Aug 1991 1 Aug 1991
9. Draught Indicators 1 Sept 1991 1 Sept 1991

*Unless already fitted with approved door indication system

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