Section 7

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Atlantic Region – Places of Refuge Contingency Plan Checklist

Date Started ( YYYY - MM - DD ): __________________
Date Completed ( YYYY - MM - DD ): ___________________

Ship’s Name:_________________________________ IMO #:________________

Official #:________________ Call-sign:_____________ Flag:______________

Step Action Yes No
1 Obtain Situation Report and/or Information from the ship, MCTS , agent or other sources.
Commence the Annex 1 form.
2 Summarize TCMS ’s concerns on hazards and associated issues.
Complete Annex 1 form.
3 Identify possible risk assessment team members ( TC , CCG , EC , USCG , etc. )
Identify other interested stakeholders
Review potential assessment team members and stakeholders on Annex 2.
4 Preliminary analysis of current situation with the assessment team.
Identify the risks, hazards, immediate action needed for POR request.
Decide if an inspection team needs to be deployed.
Complete Annex 3 form.
5 Identify feasibility of each of the potential POR locations using information available
Annex 3 form.
Review members of risk assessment team and interested stakeholders
6 Estimate the risks and hazards for each option for POR .
Use Annex 4 to assist in process.
Estimate the risk level using Annex 5.
Identify risk control measures and their impact.
Evaluate and compare POR options.
7 Evaluate and compare the options for POR .
Complete Annex 6 form.
8 Decision – grant or deny access to a POR with control measures.    
9 Review and agree on ship’s proposed action plan.
Monitor implementation of action plan.
10 Debrief POR process with assessment team and stakeholders.
Obtain feedback from assessment team on process.
  Ensure that the entire process for application for places of refuge has been documented thoroughly    


Completed by:

(Print Name:                       )
Marine Safety Inspector
Sighted by:

(Print Name:                     )
Manager, Compliance and Enforcement


Annex 1 Part 1

Information on the Ship and Its Current Status

Information on the Request

Information on the Ship Request (as per A.949(23))

Information Provided by the Ship
Marine Safety's Comments
What assistance is required from Canada? (for example; lightering, pollution combating, towage, stowage, salvage, storage, repairs...)
State the reasons for the ship's need for assistance. Cause and extent of damage or problem (for example; fire, explosion, damage to ship, including mechanical or structural failure, collision, pollution, impaired stability, grounding...)

What are the hazards and associated risk and estimated consequences of potential casualty if the ship:

  • remains in the same position,
  • continues on its voyage,
  • reaches a place of refuge,
  • is taken out to sea.
Describe the Problem and Associated Issues: (Briefly summarize the problem and issues, from Canada's perspective)


Annex 1 Part 2

Information on the Ship and Its Current Status

Additional Ship Information

Ship Contact Information

  • Ship Identity – name, flag, identity/ IMO / MMSI number
  • Master’s name and nationality – Still on board?
  • Name of person on the ship making the request, date and time
  • Last port of call
  • Working language on board
  • Security (certificate, level)
  • Local representative of the company (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • Registered owner (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • Registered company (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • If bare-boat charterer (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • Classification society local representative (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • Is the ship insured? Ship’s insurers and limits of liability available (name, address, telephone number, email address)
  • Local P&I Club representative (name, address, telephone number, email address)

Ship Particulars

  • Type of ship
  • Size (tonnage), length, beam and draft of ship, air draft
  • Year constructed
  • Propulsion, thrusters
  • Anchoring gear
  • Towing Gear
  • Fuel (type, quantity)
  • Nature and condition of cargo, stores, bunkers, in particular hazardous goods, (type, quantity, condition)
  • Ballast

Current Status

  • Position of ship (and how determined)
  • Course and speed (making way, adrift or at anchor) and route information
  • Weather, sea and ice conditions, and forecast weather conditions
  • Status of crew/salvors/other (number on board and assessment of human factors, including fatigue)
  • Details of any casualties on board or in the vicinity of the ship
  • Actual pollution or potential for pollution
  • What is the urgency of the situation and the likelihood of the potential casualty
  • Sea room (depth, drift, traffic density)
  • Has the Classification Emergency Response Unit been contacted and supplied with information?

Ship Condition (damage/defects/deficiencies)

  • Seaworthiness of the ship (buoyancy, stability, list, trim)
  • Status of propulsion and power generation, and steering
  • Status of essential shipborne navigational aids
  • Details of changes in ship condition since initial event

Assistance Information

  • Master’s/Salvor’s intentions
  • Names of vessels in vicinity or assisting in situation
  • Response actions taken by a ship ( i.e. , salvors contacted, engaged, at scene)
  • Distance and time to a place of refuge
  • Details of what is required from a place of refuge
  • Docking ability
  • Is anchoring possible
  • Can the ship be accessed by helicopter

Annex 2

List of Potential Risk Assessment Team Members and Stakeholders

  • TC Marine Safety (Ship Rapid Assessment Team, ship technical and operational expertise, routing)
  • DFO CCG (response, spill and clean-up expertise)
  • DFO (scientific and operational expertise on fisheries, ocean, habitat)
  • Environment Canada (Regional Environmental Emergency Team input, weather forecast)
  • Ship Inspection Team
  • TC Legal Services
  • TC Security
  • TC Communications
  • Provincial authorities
  • Municipal authorities
  • Port authorities/harbour master
  • Classification society
  • Emergency services (police, fire)
  • Response organization
  • Pilots
  • Salvage companies
  • Shipyards
  • Surveyors
  • Cargo handling facilities
  • Health officials
  • Chemical industry
  • Canada Customs and Revenue Agency ( CCRA )
  • Seafarer associations
  • Search and Rescue ( SAR )
  • Department of National Defense ( DND )
  • Foreign Affairs Canada ( FAC )
  • US/French/Danish authorities
  • Flag State
  • Parks Canada (marine parks)
  • Aboriginal groups
  • Fishing industry
  • Recreational Boating industry

Annex 3

Criteria for Selecting a Suitable Place of Refuge

What is needed by the ship to address the problem? Suitability of Options
Potential Requirements Details Refuge A Refuge B Refuge C
Shelter (weather, sea, swell, ice)        
Safe anchorage (holding ground, depth)        
Facilities/Equipment - reception facilities, transfer facilities i.e. , pumps, hoses, barges, lightering        
Repair facilities – shipyard, cranes, cargo gear, personnel        
Salvage and Towage        
Emergency facilities - fire fighting        
Docking requirements (draught, length, availability)        
Sea room to manoeuvre        
Other Place of Refuge Considerations        
Navigation (traffic, unobstructed approach, pilots, tides, currents, ice, anchorage)
Assistance nearby, if needed (Oil and chemical response, salvage, towage)        
Distance to refuge versus urgency        
Accessibility by land, sea, and air        
Ability of refuge to contain or limit the spread of pollution        
Characteristics of refuge that would reduce the impact of pollution or facilitate clean-up        
Emergency Response Capabilities ( i.e. , SAR , evacuation, medical, HAZMAT )        
Is there a site suitable for beaching the problem ship if necessary.        
Security, ability to restrict area, access        
Weather and Sea Conditions (prevailing wind, tide, current, ice, weather, sea)        

Annex 4

Areas That Could Be Put at Risk in the Event of a Casualty

Health, Safety and Security

Public safety/security – consider distance to populated areas, size

  • Persons on board
  • Responders
  • Salvors
  • Persons in vicinity of ship
  • Other ships – collision
  • Air quality, contamination


  • Sensitive areas (habitat, species), ecological reserve or protected area,
  • Wildlife (marine, terrestrial, avian)
  • Waters in vicinity of ship
  • Adjacent coastlines
  • Neighboring countries ( US , Denmark, France)


  • Communities and business interests – consider distance to communities and industrial area
  • Impact on fisheries – offshore, approaches, shellfish
  • Tourism – coastline, beaches, sightseeing, hotels, waterfront activities
  • Public and private property
  • Infrastructure – bridges, channels, blockage, dock facilities, other installations
  • Port delays/disruption
  • Costs – i.e. , salvage, environmental clean up, transport, cargo handling/lightering, surveying, pilotage, towage, moorage, harbour dues, specialists, special measures, waste disposal, material damage, personal damage, repatriation of crew/passengers, emergency services, repair and shipyard, removal of wreck
  • Marine transportation system
  • Offshore oil and gas activities
  • The ship and its cargo


Annex 5

Probability and Severity of Adverse Consequences and the Overall Risk Level

Estimate Severity of Adverse Consequences:

The severity of the overall consequences associated with a risk scenario can be categorized as follows:

Catastrophic: multiple deaths, multiple major injuries, extreme property or environmental damage, extreme negative impact on the economy, major national or long term impact.

Severe: death, major injuries, severe property or environmental damage, loss of the ship, major risk to safety or restriction to shipping, regional impact.

Significant: many injuries, significant property or environmental damage, short-term consequences, local impact

Minor: some minor injuries, some property or environmental damage, minor short-term consequences.

Estimate Probability of Adverse Consequence:

The overall probability associated with a risk scenario can be categorized as follows:

Highly probable: almost certain the accident will occur.

Probable: accident likely to occur.

Unlikely: accident could occur.

Improbable: accident not likely to occur.

Estimate the Overall Risk Level

The following risk matrix can be used to help determine and categorize the overall risk level for each option. This estimate can then be used to help compare one option with another.

Severity of Adverse Probability of Adverse Consequences Over Time
Consequence Highly Probable Probable Unlikely Improbable
Catastrophic 9 8 7 5
Severe 8 7 6 3
Significant 7 6 4 2
Minor 5 3 2 1

Risk Level: Low (1-3) - Medium  (4-6) - High (7-9)


Annex 6

Assessment Details

What is the problem and associated issues: (Step 2)


Option ( i.e. , port / place / at sea in position / continues voyage / taken out to sea): (Step 5)


Describe what could happen (risk scenarios, hazards, risks): (Step 6)


Potential Consequences: (Step 6, Annex 4):


Risk Estimation:
(Step 6, Annex 5)
Consequence category:

Probability category:

Risk Level:

Control Measures: (Step 6)

Risk Evaluation:
(Step 7)



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