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Bulletin No.: 02/1998

Date (Y-M-D): 1998-02-25

Subject: Canadian Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, TP 2534

This Bulletin draws attention to requirements contained in this Code regarding lashing equipment: section 4.5 "Testing, Examination and Certification", and Appendix E.

The requirements of this Code came into effect on January 1st, 1992. Recent indications however, are that lashing equipment on board some vessels is not in compliance with the requirements of the Code, in particular the requirements in Appendix E.

Masters, owners and agents etc., should be aware that lashing gear, in particular chains, intended to be used on ships loading deck cargoes of timber, need to be in compliance with these requirements.

The Annex E of the Code stipulates:

  1. Chain shall meet the following test requirements:
    1. Breaking strength of not less than 13, 600 kg.
    2. Elongation not over 5% at 80% of its breaking strength.
    3. Link weld capable of 90 degrees cold bend test.
  2. All lashing components shall have a breaking strength of not less than 14, 100 kg.
  3. A proof test is to be conducted every four years to 40% of the original breaking strength.

Some vessels have been presented for loading of timber deck cargoes with test certificates that only specify the proof load applied. This would indicate that a "chain" or "component" may theoretically pass the proof load test, but still may not necessarily comply with these requirements or meet the required breaking strength criteria.

Operators should be aware, and are hereby notified, that following this notification period strict compliance with these requirements will be enforced in Canada. As of May 1, 1998, Transport Canada, Marine Safety Port Wardens will no longer accept the use of such equipment for timber lashing, if not accompanied by proper valid certification as set out in Annex E, Section 7, repeated here as follows:

"Certificates shall be issued for all lashing and components used in securing the cargo and be related by an identification number or code to the lashing or component to which it applies. The certificates shall be kept on board the ship loading the timber deck cargo and be made available for examination by a Port Warden."

A sample copy of a timber lashing gear certificate is attached for information. Original specifications including breaking strength may be shown on separate certificates or on a combined form together with the most recent valid prooftest. TP 2534 is available on the Transport Canada website at: (Marine Safety Publications, or from Regional or District Marine Safety Offices.

SAMPLE ONLY Certificate No. 21013-96

Certificate of Test as Per Transport Canada TP2534

Certificate of Test and Examination of Timber Deck Cargo Lashing Material as Per Requirements of The "Canadian Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes", TP2534.

Distinguishing No. or Mark Description of Lashing Material Number Tested Date of Test Proof Load Original Breaking Strength Test Result
JRCH 8/97
1 TO 113
½" x 75' SHORT LINK CHAIN 113 15 Aug. 1997 5566 Kg. 13, 915 Kg. Satisfactory
JRSH 8/97
1 TO 170
1" SCREW PIN SHACKLE 170 15 Aug. 1997 5960 Kg. 14, 900 Kg. Satisfactory
JRTB 8/97
1 TO 57
1" x 18" TURNBUCKLES 57 15 Aug. 1997 5640 Kg. 14, 100 Kg. Satisfactory

This is to certify that with respect to testing, examination and certification criteria for "breaking strength", "proof load" and Annex E specifications for all the above lashing material, as relevant, the lashing materials are fully in compliance with the subject code.



Makers or Suppliers: Marine Workings Ltd.


Address. Postal Code

Tel:        Fax:

Association, firm, : Marine Workings Ltd.
company, etc., making
the test & examination


Address, Postal Code

Tel:       Fax:

Name & Position of the A. Competent Tester A. Competent Tester

responsible person          Title

who is the signatory        Department

This is to Certify on the ------------ Day of --------- 19--, The Above Gear was Tested And Examined By Me In The Manner Set Forth On The Subject Code, That The Examination Showed That The Gear Withstood The Proof Load Without Injury or Deformation.

Signature ________________________________

Keywords:                                  Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:

1. Timber Code
2. Timber Lashings
3. Test Certificates
Jan Zwaan
(613) 991-3143
Transport Canada
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
11th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

To add or change your address, contact us at:

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