Ship Safety Bulletins (SSB)
Date (Y-M-D): 1999-06-14
Subject: Cargo Pumping Systems Maintenance
A recent accident on a Canadian tanker highlights the need for safety awareness and proper maintenance of cargo systems. Maintenance of cargo pumping, stripping and piping systems in safe working order at all times coupled with safe operating practice is essential for the safe operations of oil and chemical tankers. Particular attention is drawn to the following items.
Oil tanker owners, operators and crew members involved in the operation of tankers are reminded to examine, on a routine basis, the operational integrity and condition of the system including; the means of draining cargo pumps and cargo lines, stripping systems and devices and the connections for pumping to the slop or cargo tanks or ashore.
On some types of tankers portable pumps may form part of the ship's designed normal cargo operation. However when there is a need to substitute or use equipment such as portable pumps to enable cargo and or stripping operations to be completed due to maintenance or malfunction of the installed systems, care must be taken that such equipment is:
- suitable for the environment in which it is to be used, this may include flammable or explosive atmospheres;
- used on a temporary basis only until permanent repairs can be effected to the affected system which must be repaired or replaced at the earliest opportunity, and
- used only to complete operations in a safe manner and not used on a permanent basis as a substitute for the originally fitted system.
In all instances cargo and /or ballast operations should be carried out in a safe manner by trained and qualified persons following procedures such as those outlined in the "International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals ( ISGOTT ) " or other such publications or standards and as required by Regulations covering such operations.
Care must be taken to ensure that vessels remain in compliance with the requirements of the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations, as may be specified in any certificate issued under the Regulations. Any changes to approved equipment or operational procedures are to be reported as required by the Regulations.
Keywords: Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:
2. Cargo pumping
3. Piping systems
Naim Nazha
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
11th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8
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