.: 15950338
Date (Y-M-D) : 2019-12-04
The purpose of this Ship Safety Bulletin is to advise owners and operators of Canadian registered ships and seafarers that the Maritime Administration of Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement with the Maritime Administrations of France and Norway.
These arrangements are subject to subsection 89 (1) of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and Regulation I/10 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW Convention).
What you need to know
Seafarers with valid STCW certificates issued by France or Norway may apply for a Canadian endorsement.
How to apply
To apply for a Canadian endorsement, send a:
- completed and signed application form*;
- copy of your valid medical certificate;
- copy of your valid Certificate of Competency (all pages);
- copy of all your valid certificates of proficiency (all pages);
- copy of your passport;
- signed attestation* from the authorized representative about your language skills (you must be able to speak very well in either English or French);
- signed attestation* from the authorized representative stating that you know the relevant Canadian laws and regulations; and
- two passport-sized photos.
*Application and attestation forms can be obtained by contacting: RecognitionofCertificates-Reconnaissancedesbrevets@tc.gc.ca.
We will accept original documents or photocopies validated by:
- one of Transport Canada’s Marine Safety and Security Regional Offices;
- the issuing administration;
- the authorized representative responsible for the day-to-day operation of the vessel; or
- a notary.
The copies must be stamped, signed and validated as true copies of the original.
Send your completed application and all supporting documents to:
RecognitionofCertificates-Reconnaissancedesbrevets@tc.gc.ca, or by email to:
Transport Canada, Marine Personnel and Certification (AMSP)
Place de Ville Tower C 8th Floor
330 Sparks St
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5
For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 613-998-4278, or send us an email at: RecognitionofCertificates-Reconnaissancedesbrevets@tc.gc.ca.
1. Reciprocity
3. Endorsment
Questions concerning this Bulletin should be addressed to:
Elizabeth Bertrand
Marine Safety and Security
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8
Contact us at: Email: marinesafety-securitemaritime@tc.gc.ca or Telephone: 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free).