Operations and Equipment Inspections

Video file


[video: We start on a black screen. Text appears in a large white font, one phrase at a time.]

[text: "2,900 locomotives. 32,000 railway employees. 43,000 kilometres of track. 23,000 grade crossings. 78 railway companies"]

Narrator: With more than 2,900 locomotives, 32,000 railway employees, 43,000 kilometers of track, 23,000 federally regulated grade crossings and over seventy-eight railway companies operating under federal jurisdiction…

[video: Low-angle shot of a freight train zooming past the camera from right to left. Mountains are seen in the background.]

[text: "Operations and equipment inspections"]

Narrator: …keeping Canada’s railways system safe is a big job.

[video: A map of Canada. Starting from Winnipeg in the centre, a series of pink lines (representing Canada’s railway system) spread out across the country, all the way to Victoria in the west, Halifax in the east, and Hay River and Churchill in the North.]

[video: The animated map recedes into the frame and we see it situated on a real-world computer monitor. It then fades away, replaced by the true image being displayed on the monitor: a slightly different map of Canada’s rail system, including its links into the United States.]

Narrator: That’s why Transport Canada develops, administers and enforces regulations to uphold a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible railway system for Canadians…

[video: Extreme bird’s-eye perspective of a large railyard beside a river. There are dozens of tracks and several idle trains. A bridge spans the river in the background.]

[video: Wide shot of a Transport Canada inspector and CN railway employee standing in front of flashing rail-crossing lights, gesturing toward something offscreen to the right. Both are wearing safety vests and hardhats.]

Narrator: …from rail yards to crossings…

[video: Inside a passenger train, a man looks out the window to his right, holding hands with a woman who is resting her head on his left shoulder.]

[video: A freight train rounds a bend beside a river in a heavily forested area.]

Narrator: …to onboard passenger and freight trains.

[video: At a railyard, three Transport Canada inspectors talk to a CN railway employee. All four are wearing safety vests and hardhats.]

Narrator: While railway companies are ultimately responsible and accountable for the safety of their equipment…

[video: Close-up shot of the Transport Canada patch on the back of an inspector’s orange safety vest.]

[video: After a moment, the camera pans to the right where we see a different inspector talking to the railway employee. The railway employee points toward something in the distance.]

Narrator: …our inspectors monitor railways and provide expertise scheduling regular inspections on everything from engineering to equipment…

[video: A pair of inspectors outside in the railyard talking to two railway employees. One of the inspectors is taking notes.]

[video: An inspector walks along some railroad tracks with a CN railway employee.]

Narrator: …to railway operating employees who are critical to safety.

[video: An inspector checks a white tank car, jotting something down on his notepad.]

Narrator: If regulations are not followed, Transport Canada can and will hold at-fault companies to account.

[video: An inspector examines the exterior of a freight car, using a flashlight to look around its wheels and undercarriage.]

[video: A railway employee stands on a small ledge at the end of a railcar, turning a wheel on the vertical face of the railcar to tighten some sort of connection.]

Narrator: Along with engineering inspections to examine tracks, signals and crossings…

[video: An inspector walks alongside a railcar.]

Narrator: …our inspectors also examine equipment such as locomotives and railcars…

[video: Inside the cab of a locomotive, an inspector talks to a person just offscreen while a seated railway employee talks on a wired phone.]

Narrator: …and operations, which includes everything from monitoring health and safety workplace regulations on board trains…

[video: An inspector stands in a traffic control office, observing a dispatcher working on a computer.]

Narrator: …to taking a look at traffic control procedures.

[video: Pan across the white tank car, clearly labelled “Hydrochloric Acid”.]

[video: An inspector walks beside the tank car, writing on his notepad.]

Narrator: We also operate a national inspection program for the transportation of dangerous goods; promoting safe practices for handling, carrying and unloading potentially dangerous cargoes.

[video: An inspector is kneeling, looking closely at the wheels of a railcar.]

[video: Point-of-view shot from underneath a railcar. An inspector reaches in and grabs part of the equipment.]

Narrator: It’s all part of our mandate to work with industry to continually improve the safety, security, efficiency, and environmental impact of our national railway system.

[video: Low-angle shot in the railyard. The camera is situated in the centre of the tracks. Two inspectors walk along either side of the tracks directly toward the camera.]

[text: "tc.gc.ca/railsafety"]

Narrator: Visit us today.

[video: Black screen with Government of Canada wordmark.]

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