Passengers to be allowed to use portable electronic devices during all phases of flight


Video Length: 1 minutes, 40 seconds


Title: Passengers to be allowed to use portable electronic devices during all phases of flight

Many people who travel by air in or through this country commonly carry some kind of portable electronic device or a PED, a smart phone, a tablet, an e-reader, a laptop. Most of us probably know if you fly that the use of these devices is not allowed during the takeoff, the ascent, the descent and the landing phases of flights on Canadian aircraft.

In fact you will have heard flight attendants explain this to passengers noting that the government prohibits the use of these devices. Today I am here and I’m pleased to tell you that change is coming. We have taken a look at this very carefully and our government is acting. We’re going to be allowing passengers to use portable electronic devices during takeoff, ascent, descent and landing provided that the airlines have met certain safety conditions.

You know, the economy and jobs and Canadian families have always been at the centre of our priority in our government and that’s why this change today is one of the things that I’ve been working on since I became Minister of Transport. We have taken a look at the safety implications as well as the benefits that’s provided airline travelers.

If you think about it here you are trying to finish a memo or you’re trying to finish reading a document or you have your child next to you who’s playing on their Nintendo DS or on a tablet. Now you have productivity time and you have the freedom to choose. It’s good news for air passengers and it’s good news for the Canadian aviation industry.