Our highest priority is the safety and security of the traveling public.
The Air Cargo Security program helps keep cargo secure at every stage of its journey.
Businesses that participate in the program are held to the highest standards in aviation security.
How to apply
If your business is involved in screening, storing or transporting secure air cargo, you can apply to the program. To be a part of the program, your business will need to:
- complete an application
- be approved
- once accepted, meet ongoing inspection requirements
There is no fee to join the program.
Air Carriers
Carriers that operate passenger, all-cargo and/or both types of flights are subject, as applicable to the requirements of the Air Cargo Security Program and the In-Flight Supplies Security Program. Registering allows Transport Canada to share with you Industry Guidance to ensure compliance.
Known Consignor
Originates air cargo that has been made secure through a screening process applied at the time of packing.
Certified Agent
Stores, transports and/or accepts secure cargo that an authorized program participant has screened and made secure.
Regulated Agent
Screens cargo on behalf of others to make it secure and can also store and/or transport the secure cargo.
Account Consignor
Originates cargo and has it screened by an authorized program participant to make it secure.
Authorized Cargo Administrator
Does not directly handle cargo and acts as an intermediary between the company who originates the shipment and the final destination, directing the movement of the goods.
Apply as an authorized cargo administrator
Contact us
Transport Canada
Air Cargo Security
Mailstop: ABAC
330 Sparks St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5
Telephone: 1-866-375-7342