Apply to the Navigation Protection Program

How to apply

Our Guide to Completing the Navigation Protection Program’s Application for Approval provides step-by-step instructions for completing the application for approval form. If you’re not already well informed about the Canadian Navigable Waters Act and the Navigation Protection Program’s role and requirements, we recommend you consult the guide.

Apply for an approval of works

  1. Login or create an account on the NPP External Submission Site 
  2. Answer some questions in the Project Review Tool to see if you need to apply
  3. If you need to apply, complete the application for an approval form
  4. Upload the supporting documents and complete your application
  5. After creating your submission, you can use your online account to edit or view your application before it is submitted. You can also choose to delete your application if you want to withdraw from the process. Once your application is submitted, it can only be viewed. You can also use your account to contact us.
  6. Once we have determined that your application is complete and that the work type proposed is accurate, we will send you an invoice that you can pay online.

Apply now

Apply for an exemption

  1. Login or create an account on the NPP External Submission Site 
  2. Upload all the information requirements and complete your application
  3. After creating your submission, you can use your online account to edit or view your application before it is submitted. You can also choose to delete the application if you want to withdraw from the process. Once your application is submitted, it can only be viewed. You can also use your account to contact us 
  4. Once we have determined that your application is complete, we will send you an invoice that you can pay online.

Apply now

Apply for an approval of works in a non-scheduled waterway

Option 1

Apply for an approval of works the same way you would if the work was on a scheduled water.

*Should you opt to apply for an approval of work, each time you propose to alter, rebuild, remove or decommission the work, an application for approval is required and the same category of fees for the original construction or placement of the work will be applied.

  1. Login or create an account on the NPP External Submission Site 
  2. Answer some questions in the Project Review Tool to see if you need to apply
  3. If you choose to apply, complete the application for an approval form
  4. Upload the supporting documents and complete your application
  5. After creating your submission, you can use your online account to edit or view your application before it is submitted. You can also choose to delete your application if you want to withdraw from the process. Once your application is submitted, it can only be viewed. You can also use your account to contact us.
  6. Once we have determined that your application is complete and that the work type proposed is accurate, we will send you an invoice that you can pay online

Option 2

  1. Upload the information on the online registry about the project and publish a notice inviting Indigenous and public comments. The notice usually gives the public 30 days to comment on the proposed work. Any comments that are received during this timeframe are part of the public resolution process.
  2. You and the commenters then have 45 days to resolve any navigation concerns.
    • If the concerns are resolved in this time, you may proceed with your work based on the timelines in subsection 10.2(1) of the Act
    • If the concerns aren’t resolved after 45 days, the commenter has 15 days to request a decision from Transport Canada. In this case, after reviewing your proposal and any public input, we will confirm whether you need to submit an application for an approval or not.

Other ways to apply

We encourage you to submit applications online. If you are unable to apply or pay online, please contact your regional NPP Office for information on how to proceed.