Apply for CPFP funding – Rail Safety Component

The Community Participation Funding Program – Rail Safety Component is not accepting new funding applications at this time. The Community Participation Funding Program – Rail Safety Component (CPFP-RS) helps eligible local and Indigenous communities and organisations to take part in developing and improving Canada’s rail transportation system.

Eligibility for funding

Eligible recipients include:

  • Indigenous governments*, tribal councils and other forms or regional government, nationally or regionally representative Indigenous organizations, and/or Indigenous development corporations
  • Indigenous Communities/Bands/Settlements
  • District Councils/Chiefs' Councils/Tribal Councils
  • Indigenous Associations/Organizations/Societies
  • Indigenous Commissions/Councils/Authorities/Boards
  • Indigenous Economic Institutions/Organizations/Corporations/Co-operatives
  • Local communities (for example, small municipalities, including towns, villages, and hamlets, resident associations, individuals selected to represent local entities with no legal status)
  • Not-for-profit organizations

For detailed information about eligible recipients, refer to the Applicant's Guide.

Conditions of funding

Maximum funding of up to $5,000 per recipient per activity will be provided.

The funding will be provided as a grant for short-term activities only. The estimated amount provided in the application, when approved will be the amount the recipient will receive.

Upon demonstration that the recipient has met all eligible assessment criteria and has provided a reasonable estimate, payment of the grant may be made in a lump sum.

Eligible activities

Grants may be provided to fund the following short-term eligible activities if the proposed activity directly contributes to one or more of the program objectives:

Activities include:

  • Coordinating local engagement activities and / or meetings
    • Development and support of virtual or in person networks with the aim of discussing key policy issues and exchanging views
  • Reviewing documents and providing written comments
    • Provision and sharing of information and knowledge related to the impact of proposed policies, programs, processes, directives, regulation or legislation
  • Preparing for, travelling to and participating in meetings (virtual and / or in-person)
  • Hiring expertise
  • Conducting studies

For example, costs eligible for reimbursement could include:

  • Salaries and benefits
  • Professional fees for consultation services (legal, environmental, etc.)
  • Room rentals and other facility
  • Public outreach, communications materials and associated activities
  • Translation
  • Honoraria
  • Travel
  • Administration

For detailed information about eligible costs, refer to the Applicant's Guide.

What you need to know before you start

  • Read the Applicant's Guide in full before you apply
  • You must send your application at least 15 business days before the date(s) of the engagement activity and/or meeting you plan to coordinate and/or participate in
  • You must submit the application form using Transport Canada’s Grant and Contribution Management System (GCMS).

How to apply

  • Create or use an existing GCKey to Access the GCMS (further instructions below).
  • Create a user profile in GCMS.
  • Create a new organization or be associated to an existing one in GCMS.
  • Use the GCMS to submit a new funding request under the Community Participation Funding Program (CPFP).
  • The submitted application can only be accessed and viewed by members of the organization who submitted it.

If you do not receive an acknowledgment of receipt email, visit the “my funding requests” page to verify the status of your submission.

How to Obtain a GCKey

A GCKEY is a unique electronic credential provided by the Government of Canada that allows you to communicate securely with online enabled Government programs and services.

  • Click on “Sign Up” to proceed to the registration page.
  • Read and accept the GCKey Terms and Conditions of Use.
  • Create a username and password.
  • Applicants will be required to create three security questions.
  • Do not share accounts.

For more information and FAQs about GCKey, please visit the GCKey information page.