Green Shipping Corridor Program Clean Ports Stream – Contribution Funding Application Template

Your funding application may be submitted in English or French.

The document type must be PDF. Each page must be numbered and include the project name. It is recommended that your application be limited to no more than 30 pages (excluding the annexes), employing Arial 11 with single spacing.

It is strongly recommended to use the template provided to format the funding application. Certain sections may be more appropriate to include as an annex, such as the sections of risk and performance measurement as well as the project budget. Although examples of content have been provided in each section, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all information required, relevant and appropriate, including evidence, is included in each section to demonstrate eligibility, merit or otherwise, as identified throughout the Applicant’s guide.

For privacy reasons to protect personal information, all information shared by applicants should relate to the applicant businesses/entities and not include any identifiable information about an individual. For example:

  • contact information should be limited to business addresses and not personal addresses of an individual 
  • experience should speak to the applicant businesses/entities and not an individual 
  • personal information belonging to an individual should not be included when responding to open-ended questions 
  • individuals’ CVs should not be included

On this page

A. Cover page

All Proposals should have a cover page with the following information:

  • the title of the project (should be brief but descriptive)
  • the location of the project, and
  • the name of the organization applying for funding

B. Executive Summary

The executive summary must address the major elements of the project, including:

  • a short project description including location, project scope, major activities, and timelines
  • the total project cost, total eligible and ineligible expenditures, total federal funding amount requested, and all sources of funding for the project including the contributions made by other parties
  • a summary of the primary project objectives, briefly explaining how they align with the GSCP program and specific objectives related to the Clean Ports stream of the Program

C. Applicant Profile

Applicants must demonstrate that they have the capacity and expertise necessary to ensure the delivery of the project by providing the information outlined below. This section will be evaluated using criterion #8 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

C.1 Applicant Information  

  • Provide the full legal name and legal status of the organization, mailing address, telephone number and email 
  • Include the name and position of the primary and secondary contact for the organization who are authorized to advise and make decisions and representations on the project 

C.2 Organizational Profile

This section may include, as examples:

  • the type of organization in accordance with the listing identified in the Eligible Recipients section of the Applicant’s Guide 
  • the history of the organization and how it may relate to the objectives of the Program 
  • the organization’s charter, mandate, strategic plans, etc., as they pertain to the objectives of the Program 
  • a brief description of what the normal spectrum of activities is for the organization and whether the organization has had prior experience with similar government funding programs 

 All applicants must provide copies of legal documentation establishing or constituting the Applicant organization as an entity (for example, Letters Patent, Articles and Certificate of incorporation, or other legal instruments).   

C.3 Governance and Oversight 

This section should demonstrate the ability of the organization (in terms of experience, personnel and expertise) and how it will organize itself to complete the project. The information provided may include, for example: 

  • a description of the governance structure that will oversee the implementation of the project, including any partners and their role 
  • a description of the personnel, such as team(s) dedicated to managing the project, including composition, roles, responsibilities, competencies and expertise 
  • authorizations allowing the applicant to submit this request and/or implement the project 

D. Project Profile

D.1 Project Description 

This section should: 

  • provide a clear and succinct description of the project to ensure that sufficient information is provided to confirm that the project is eligible in accordance with the Mandatory Eligibility Requirements of the Applicant’s Guide 
  • identify any organizations involved or intending to be involved in the project, including how they intend to support the project. If the party is intending to be a project partner, the organization’s legal name, mailing address, and business contact information should be provided 

D.2 Project location 

This section should provide the location (city, province/ territory) of the project (specifically, the longitude and latitude) as well as how the location of the project aligns with the eligibility criteria identified in the Mandatory Eligible Requirements of the Applicant’s Guide, if applicable. 

D.3 Proposed Start and Completion Dates 

The start and completion dates for the project are inclusive of all preparatory work, material production, the actual implementation of the project and any follow-up activities such as information analysis and reporting. 

D.4 Project Background and Status

This section will be evaluated using criteria #4 and #7 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

This section could, for example: 

  • describe the existing conditions, background, constraints, or issues that the project is intended to address 
  • describe any work that has already been completed in relation to this project, by both the applicant or by other stakeholders 
  • identify any parties that were engaged to date and how they were involved in the design and/or implementation of the project such as Indigenous governments and/or communities 
  • indicate whether a project includes or anticipates investments from other organizations 

D.5 Project rationale 

This section will be evaluated using criteria #1, #2, #3 and #6 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

This section may, for example: 

  • describe the implications, as they relate to the objectives of GSCP and the Clean Ports stream, of the project not being implemented (that is, the “do nothing” option) 
  • state how the project overlaps, supports or enhances any aspect of previous and/or planned work, including any planned investments by private or public sector partners 
  • include a summary that describes and quantifies expected improvements in the short-term (for example 2 years) and longer-term (for example5 years) that would result from the project completion 
  • demonstrate with data-supported scenarios how the project will realize measurable carbon emissions reductions or other environmental benefits 
  • explain how the financial support of the Government of Canada and, if applicable, of other funding sources, is required to enable the implementation, enhance the scope, or accelerate the timing of the proposed project/activities
  • include data and sources used to support investment decisions 

D.6 Project Objectives and Goals  

This section should describe the objectives of the project, alignment with the objectives of the Green Shipping Corridor Program (GSCP), the Clean Ports Stream, and with criteria #1, #2, #3 and #6 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.  

This section may also, if relevant: 

  • describe how the project will address decarbonization of the marine sector and the establishment of green shipping corridors and is likely to generate substantive benefits (such as reduced emissions, expanded capacity, sustainable development, how the local and/or regional community (both businesses and residents) benefit from the project etc.) 
  • describe how the proposal will generate data or analytics that will help multiple stakeholders make better decisions and/or address barriers and encourage adoption of low carbon, zero emission technologies and infrastructure 
  • describe how the project aligns with local, regional, and/or national transportation priorities 
  • describe the project's interoperability and how it will be able to interface with other platforms 
  • describe how the project rests on a financially sustainable model beyond the duration of the contribution agreement 

D.7 Project scope 

This section will be evaluated using criteria #4, #7 and #9 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

This section should define the scope of the project, which may, for example: 

  • include a description of all key activities with clear illustration how each activity will contribute to the implementation and completion of the project, including expected results 
  • describe the major components and phases of the project, including the corresponding scope of work 
  • identify any work to be undertaken by project partners 

D.8 Project Plan 

This section will be evaluated using criterion #9 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

This section should: 

  • identify and outline all applicable key activities, milestones, phases, components, and timelines (identifying start and end dates) 
  • describe project dependencies, interdependencies, or hurdles to implementing the project 
  • describe the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved through to the fruition of the project 
  • identify the current stage of the project, if the project is already started 

The project plan can be presented using project management software such as MS Project, MS Excel spreadsheets or the equivalent, or simply in tabular format. The key requirement is to present all required information as clearly and accurately as possible. 

D.9 Project delivery method  

This section will be evaluated using criterion #9 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

This section should include, for example, how the project will be delivered (such as in-house planning/design or consultant, type of contracting process, procurement of digital tools, etc.). 

If a service will be procured without using a competitive tendering process, please provide information on the amount of the sole source contracts and the rationale for not undertaking a competitive tendering process. 

D.10 Dissemination of Project Results  

This section will be evaluated using criterion #5 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

Describe any plans to disseminate results to other parties in the marine sector or along the marine shipping value chain, with the following details: 

  • method of information dissemination (for example., internet, mail-outs, newspaper advertisement workshops, etc.)  
  • if the internet is the main method for sharing information, how will the website be promoted and information updated and maintained 
  • expected target audience and outreach (e.g., number of website users, recipients of mail-out materials, number of participants at a workshop, etc.) 

E. Performance measurement strategy

This section will be evaluated using criterion #10 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

A performance measurement strategy should be included. The performance indicators you identify should make it possible for the recipient and Government of Canada to assess short-term, medium term and long-term outcomes of the investment, after the project has been completed, and how those outcomes align with the objectives of GSCP and Clean Ports. Please provide the following information: 

  • describe a performance measurement strategy with expected project outcomes and/or outputs 
  • using Table 1 below as an example, list these project outcomes/outputs 
  • also using Table 1, for each specific outcome/output identify performance indicators, the current performance, the target performance after the completion of the project, the sources of the data, and the frequency the data will be collected 
  • describe the methodology the applicant will use to measure the achievements of project goals and objectives 
  • performance results should be quantitative data 

Table 1: Performance measurement strategy template

Outcomes/ outputs

Performance indicator

Current performance

Performance target

Data source

Collection frequency



















F. Evidence of support 

This section will be evaluated using criteria #4 and #7 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

Letters of support help explain how a project will benefit multiple stakeholders/users and can provide additional input on qualitative benefits to support decarbonization of the marine sector. 

Proposals must include at least 2 letters of support from supply chain stakeholders that: 

  • indicate their intention to share and/or use data generated from the project, or 
  • explain how they will participate in the project, including letters of support can help make your proposal more competitive. Strong letters of support will have a combination of the following elements clearly explained: 
    • who wrote the letter of support and which organization they're writing on behalf of (usually confirmed by the specific organization's letterhead and signature) 
    • their relationship to the applicant (for example, are they a client, supplier, Indigenous group or level of government with relevant jurisdiction? Has the organization lobbied for similar investments?) 
    • why the project is important (for example, how does the proposed project align with the organization's mandate, mission, priorities, and business development plans?) 
    • the impacts the project will have on a particular region 
    • how the project aligns with industry/sector interest 
    • what interests they have in the results and benefits of the proposed project (for example, will the project facilitate related investments and/or spur job creation? What would happen if the investment or upgrade falls through?) 

G. Project Budget

This section will be evaluated using criterion #9 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

Include an expenditure breakdown by project activity and a cash flow forecast for all phases of the project delivery for each fiscal year of the project. For the following sections, please refer to the Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures of the Applicant’s Guide for a list of eligible and ineligible expenditures. 

G.1 Activity expenditure breakdown  

Referring to Table 2 below as an example, provide the following information: 

  • the estimated total project cost, including all eligible and ineligible expenditures under the GSCP 
  • a project/activity budget and cash flow forecast, including estimates for substantive phases of project delivery for each fiscal year of the project 
  • a statement as to the accuracy and level of confidence of the cost estimates 
  • a statement that the applicant will be responsible for all cost overruns 

Table 2: Project Budget








Project Component (Description)1

Component 1


Component 2 


Component 3


Component 4 






















Total Eligible Project Expenditures (Total A.1) 


  • Total from third party contributors (Total C.2) 















In-Kind Contributions3








Contributor 1



In-Kind Contribution 

















General instruction

If your project extends beyond a three-year timeline, kindly incorporate additional columns. Furthermore, should you have additional expenditures or sources of funding to include, insert a new line in the relevant table. 

Specific instructions

  1. If your project is not made up of individual project components, remove row and list main eligible project expenditure categories. Otherwise list main project components and provide a breakdown of main eligible project expenditures for each project component where feasible.  
  2. Only include if applicable. Ineligible amounts may be included when they are deemed by Canada to be essential to the project’s success, and when they form part of the recipient’s or a third party’s share of the project. Ineligible expenditures have no bearing on TC’s contribution. If no ineligible expenditures are to be included, remove rows A.1 and A.2 and rename Total A “Total Eligible Project Expenditures”. 
  3. Ensure that any In-Kind Contributions to the project are assessed at fair value and that a short description of the In-Kind Contribution is included. 
  4. The Recipient is obligated to inform Canada of all financial assistance received for the project. If there are other sources of funding, they should be indicated here. Use these sections only if there are third party sources of funding for the Project. If there are no third-party sources of funding, delete all rows in C.2 (including section header) except Subtotal C.2. row. Indicate $0.00 across the row. 

Alternatively, you can request the Excel version of this template here.

This budget template closely resembles the one provided to you in text format. However, it is an excel document that integrates pre-existing formulas to streamline and simplify your calculations.

G.2 Financial Plan 

Applicants should provide the following information: 

  • a financial plan, including the disclosure of all sources of funding for the project (secured and anticipated) and the estimated cash flow per fiscal year of the project 
  • the requested funding contribution, the applicant's funding contribution to the project and any other sources of funding, including any other federal sources of funding
  • assurance of capacity to operate, maintain, support, and deliver continuous improvements of the digitalization solution for as long as the process or functions are relevant 
  • a summary describing whether the project will have the ability to generate revenue to cover operating expenses, how the fees will be collected (e.g., port fees, user fees) and the anticipated annual revenue 

H. Project Risks

This section will be evaluated using criterion #11 in the Merit Evaluation Criteria section found in the Applicant’s Guide.

Include an overview of the project risks, the significance of their impact and likelihood, and the mitigation measures/strategies the organization plans to adopt. For the purpose of this assessment, please consider potential financial and legal risks as well as risks related to project schedule, stakeholder support, etc.  

Risks are uncertainties or constraints that may impact project completion within the proposed scope, timelines and budget. They often include short construction season, delayed permits or materials, lack of participation, etc. Clearly indicate the implications to the schedule if approval dates are delayed.

Mitigation measures are the planning and management activities that the organization will undertake over the duration of the project to avoid these risks and reduce their consequences or impact on the project.  

If the proposed project requires real property acquisition and/or land/Right of Way access agreement with a third party, explain the status of the progress of acquisition and/or negotiations including the timelines.

Table 3: Project risks template

Risk statement, type and description

Probability and impact

Initial risk level


Residual risk level

Risk 1: Provide a statement that summarizes the risk event and risk type (see the table below for examples).

Provide a detailed but brief description of the risk, outlining why this risk was identified or may occur. 

Provide the probability of the risk event (i.e., Low, Medium or High) and describe in detail the expected impact of the risk and assessed level of each.

Low, Medium or High

Outline the detailed, concrete proposed response to the risk (e.g., mitigate, transfer, accept).

Low, Medium or High

I. Legal, Regulatory, and Other Requirements

The application must: 

  • identify any legal or regulatory requirements that apply to the project 
  • demonstrate that the project will adhere to all applicable federal legislation 
  • indicate the status and estimated timelines of any approval/permits/licenses that are required 

I.1 Preliminary Environmental Review

The information to be provided in this section relates to Government of Canada’s requirements under federal environmental/impact assessment legislation and will be used to determine potential future environmental/impact assessment requirements under the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) or Northern Regimes.

Applicants are required to complete a Preliminary Environmental Review of their project by answering the questions below and submit the completed form as part of the funding application.

Please note that no funds for the Project will be payable by Transport Canada unless and until the requirements under the applicable federal environmental/impact assessment legislation are met.

Preliminary environmental review table 

1. Does the project (either in full or in part), include one or more physical activities that are designated by the Physical Activities Regulations? (Yes/No)

If yes, please indicate 

  • Physical activity(ies):
  • Has an environmental/impact assessment under the IAA or previous legislation (i.e. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), CEAA 2012) been initiated or completed? (Yes/No)
    • If yes, please indicate the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (CIAR) #:
    • If no, please indicate when an initial project description will be submitted to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada:

2. Will the project (either in full or in part) be carried out on federal lands? (Yes/No)

If yes, please indicate

  • The federal land administrator (i.e., the department or agency with contact information)
  • Description of federal lands (Attach map if available):
  • Is the entire project footprint located on federal lands? (Yes/No)
    • If no, please describe the project components that will take place on federal lands:
  • Has an environmental evaluation under s.82 of the IAA or previous legislation (CEAA, CEAA 2012) been initiated or completed that includes effects on any identified federal lands? (Yes/No)
    • If yes, please indicate the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (CIAR) #:
  • Are other IAA Authorities involved in the project? (Yes/No)
    • If yes, please list: 

3. Does the project (either in full or in part) require an environmental/impact assessment under a Northern Regime? (Yes/No/To Be Determined)

If yes, please describe

  • Northern process:
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • Result:

I.2 Indigenous Consultation - Duty to consult

The Government of Canada has a legal duty to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate Indigenous groups when its conduct might adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights. Through consultations with Indigenous Peoples, the Government of Canada seeks to identify potential adverse impacts of federal activities on potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights and related interests and to find ways to avoid or minimize these adverse impacts.

The provision of federal funding to recipients can trigger the Crown’s legal duty to consult, if a proposal might adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights.

If a project is approved to receive federal funding, the Crown may delegate aspects of consultation to the funding recipient. Funding recipients will be expected to consult with Indigenous groups that might be affected by the project, explain the project to them, including Canada’s role and consider how to best address any issues raised by Indigenous groups regarding the project. The recipient will also be expected to provide a report to Canada on the outcomes of the consultations.

Information to include in your proposal (if applicable)

Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate that they have considered the impact of their proposals on potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights. To facilitate Transport Canada’s review, applicants are encouraged to submit, if applicable, as part of their proposal submission:

  • a description of completed/ongoing/planned consultation with Indigenous groups
  • a description of communications, if any, to date with Indigenous groups
  • a summary of any issues or concerns that Indigenous groups have raised
  • a description of how the applicant has addressed or proposes to address these issues or concerns

Following the approval of your proposal

If your project is approved for funding under the GSCP, the contribution agreement will stipulate Canada’s expectations with respect to the consultations that the recipient must carry out.

Recipients of funding will be expected to carry out the consultations and report back to Canada on the outcomes of the consultations. Recipients will be required to provide:

  • a list of all Indigenous groups contacted
  • a summary of all communications to date with the Indigenous groups
  • a summary of any issues or concerns that the Indigenous groups have raised and an indication of how the Recipient has addressed or proposes to address those issues or concerns
  • any other information Canada may deem appropriate

The recipient should be aware that no federal funding can be provided to recipients and no physical works related to the project will be allowed to occur until Canada is satisfied that any legal duty to consult with, and where appropriate, to accommodate Indigenous groups have been met and continue to be met.

J. Declarations 

The application must include a section for the following declarations: 

J.1 Conflict of interest 

Applicants must confirm whether any current employee or major shareholder who is a former public office holder (as defined by the Parliament of Canada Act) or public officer (as defined by the Financial Administration Act) has left the federal government within the last 12 months. If either such circumstance exists, please indicate whether that person was at an executive level or above. 

Note: If the person was at an executive level or above, please note that, if the project is selected for funding, the Funding Agreement will include a clause to the effect that no former public servants shall derive any direct benefit from the project, unless said individual is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Conflict of Interest Act, Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service and/or the Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code. To ensure the former public servant complies, please ask the employee/shareholder to contact his/her former department to obtain written confirmation that he/she is following the post-employment provisions.

If true, the application must also include the following statement as assurance: 

“No member of the House of Commons of Canada shall be admitted to any share or part of the Contribution Agreement or to any benefit to arise therefrom.” 

J.2 Applicant declaration 

At the end of the application, before any annexes, the application must include the following declaration, signed and dated by the individual duly authorized by the organization. The text in this section must read as follows: 

I/we, the undersigned, hereby certify that: 

  • all information provided to Transport Canada in support of this request for GSCP-Clean Ports funding is true and complete. 
  • if funding requested in this application is approved, the funds will be spent solely for the project and activities described in this application. 
  • I/we provide consent to Transport Canada to make necessary credit and other enquiries in support of this application. 






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