Fact sheet about the proposed fees under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act 

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New fees under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Transport Canada’s Navigation Protection Program (NPP) helps keep Canada’s navigable waters open for transport and travel by regulating works and obstructions that may interfere with navigation in Canada’s navigable waters.

Modernizing fees at Transport Canada

This project is part of Transport Canada’s plan to modernize transportation laws, regulations, fees, and services.   

Previously, Transport Canada did not charge fees for assessing and processing applications under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act.

The purpose of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act Fees Regulations is to recover a portion of the costs associated with providing services related to the review, assessment, and processing of applications for approvals of works or exemptions from regulated activities, so that further investments to improve client service experiences can be made.

Types of applications

The Navigation Protection Program receives applications from a wide range of clients, including:

  • Cottage owners and associations wanting to build or install docks and swimming rafts/platforms;
  • Private sector applicants wanting to build aquaculture facilities and marinas;
  • Public sector applicants wanting to build new or improve existing infrastructure like bridges, causeways and dams;
  • Mining companies looking to obtain an exemption from an otherwise prohibited activity, such as dewatering.

Which services include fees?

  • Proposed works on navigable waters (for example: culverts, bridges, dams) that require an approval by the Navigation Protection Program;
  • Proposed projects that require the issuance of a Governor in Council exemption.

Which services do not include a fee?  

  • Notifications of works non-scheduled waterways (public resolution process);
  • Notifications of works in cases where there is no interference with navigation;
  • Notification of a minor work.  

To understand requirements under the Act, applicants can assess their project with the Project Review Tool.

If an applicant has questions related to CNWA requirements, they may contact the nearest Navigation Protection Program office.