Motor Vehicle Casualties Dashboard User Guide

This user guide gives an overview of the key features and filtering options of the Motor Vehicle Casualties Dashboard. The guide explains how to navigate the dashboard and how to use the filter pane, the filter options within the graphs, and other interactive options. As this is an interactive dashboard, using filters will change what is showed in the graphs.

This guide includes the following sections:

  • Using the Filter Pane: Gives an overview of filtering options located on the left panel
  • Using Filter Selection on Graphs: Explains the steps for filtering data directly within graphs
  • Additional Tips: Describes other useful features of the dashboard

Using the Filter Pane

The filter pane is located on the left. It allows users to look at subsets of the data by selecting specific values or ranges for each variable.

There are two types of filters: sliders and dropdown lists. A slider filter is used for the variable Year. Dropdown lists are used for the variables Month, Day of the Week, Collision Hour, Gender, Person Age and Road User Class.

To filter data using sliders: 

  • Slide the extremities, represented by white circles, to adjust the start year and the end year, or enter exact values in the text box.

To filter data using dropdown lists:

  • To select a single filter category, click on the element in the list.
  • To select multiple filter categories, hold CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) while clicking on multiple categories in the list.
  • To exclude specific categories, first click Select All” to include all the categories. Then, click on any item(s) to remove them from selection.
  • To clear selections in a dropdown list, hover to the upper right corner of the list and click on the eraser icon .
  • Notes:
    • When a single category is selected, the filter will display “Filter Category”.
    • When multiple categories are selected, the filter will display “Multiple selections”.
    • When a single sub-category is selected (within variables Collision Hour or Person Age), the filter will display the format “(Filter Category) + (Filter Sub-category)”.

Using Filter Selection on Graphs

The data can also be filtered by directly selecting values on the graphs.

To filter data directly on a graph:

  • Select any element on the graph (bar, legend item, etc.) to highlight and filter data based on that selection. The graph will show the total numbers using lighter color and the filter selection using darker color.
  • To select multiple items simultaneously, hold CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) while clicking multiple elements within a graph.
  • To clear any active filters, simply click again on all the selected options.

Additional Tips

This section provides tips on how to use other features of the dashboard:

To use the Focus Mode:

  • Hover over a graph and click the "Focus Mode" icon  in the upper or lower right corner of the graph to expand the graph to full screen.

To view a graph as a table:

  • Right-click on the graph and select the “Show as a table” option. This will display an enlarged version of the graph along with its corresponding data table.

To view information on specific data points or categories:

  • Hover over a data point or category in a graph to display more information, such as an exact count or percentage for that point or category.

To switch pages:

  • Click on the arrows at the bottom of the dashboard or on the “Switch to…” button in the top left corner to switch between the two pages of the dashboard.