Supplementary Table - Greening Government Operations

Green Building Targets

8.1 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new construction and build-to-lease projects, and major renovation projects, will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance [1].
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Will be completed by March 2012  Yes: March 2012

Strategies / Comments

  1. Transport Canada strategies have been developed and incorporated into the strategic framework.

  2. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Building Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  3. Minimum level of environmental performance: LEED NC Silver, Green Globes Design 3 Globes, or equivalent.

  4. Threshold (dollar value and/or floor area): $1 million or greater for projects and 1000m2.

  5. Applicable building types: All buildings owned by Transport Canada over 1000m2 and occupied by Transport Canada employees.

  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Transport Canada completed its Green Building Strategic Framework and has developed a comprehensive implementation plan.


8.2 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, existing crown buildings over 1000m2 will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool [2].
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track Green
Number of buildings over 1000m2, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Percentage of buildings over 1000m2 that have been assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Will be completed by March 2012 Yes: March 2012

Strategies / Comments

  • Transport Canada strategies have been developed and incorporated into the strategic framework.

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Building Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  • Minimum level of assessment: BOMA BESt , Green Globes, or equivalent.

  • Threshold (dollar value and/or floor area): $1 million for projects and 1000m2.

  • Applicable building types: All buildings owned by Transport Canada over 1000m2 and occupied by Transport Canada employees.

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Transport Canada completed its Green Building Strategic Framework and has developed a comprehensive implementation plan.



8.3 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new lease or lease renewal projects over 1000m2, where the Crown is the major lessee, will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool [3].
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000m2 in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000m2 that were assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Will be completed by March 2012 Yes: March 2012

Strategies / Comments

  • Transport Canada strategies have been developed and incorporated into the strategic framework.

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Building Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  • Minimum level of assessment: BOMA BESt , an appropriately tailored BOMA .

  • Threshold (dollar value and/or floor area): $1 million for projects and 1000m2.

  • Applicable building types: Any building over 1000m2 and occupied by Transport Canada employees and where the department is the major lessee.

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Transport Canada completed its Green Building Strategic Framework and has developed a comprehensive implementation plan.



8.4 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, fit-up and refit projects will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance [4].
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. (Optional in FY 2011-12) Not applicable Not applicable
Existence of strategic framework. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Will be completed by March 2012 Yes: March 2012

Strategies / Comments

  • Transport Canada strategies have been developed and incorporated into the strategic framework.

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Building Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  • Minimum level of environmental performance: LEED CI Silver, Green Globes Fit-Up 3 Globes, or equivalent.

  • Threshold (dollar value and/or floor area): $1 million for projects and 1000m2.

  • Applicable building types: All buildings owned by Transport Canada with office space greater than 1000m2 and occupied by Transport Canada employees.

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Transport Canada completed its Green Building Strategic Framework and has developed a comprehensive implementation plan.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

8.5 The federal government will take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions from its operations to match the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track to Exceed Blue
Departmental GHG reduction target: Percentage of absolute reduction in GHG emissions by fiscal year 2020-21, relative to fiscal year 2005-06. 21% 21%
Departmental GHG emissions in fiscal year 2005-06, in kilotons of CO2 equivalent. 63.015 63.015
Departmental GHG emissions in the given fiscal year, in kilotons of CO2 equivalent. FY  2011-12 52.932 57.532
FY  2012-13 52.618  
FY  2013-14 52.303  
FY  2014-15 51.987  
FY  2015-16 51.672  
FY  2016-17 51.357  
FY  2017-18 51.042  
FY  2018-19 50.727  
FY  2019-20 50.412  
FY  2020-21 49.781  
Percent change in departmental GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005-06 to the end of the given fiscal year. FY  2011-12 -16%  -8.7%
FY  2012-13 -16.5%  
FY  2013-14 -17%  
FY  2014-15 -17.5%  
FY  2015-16 -18%  
FY  2016-17 -18.5%  
FY  2017-18 -19%  
FY  2018-19 -19.5%  
FY  2019-20 -20%  
FY  2020-21 -21%  

Strategies / Comments

  1. Targeted greenhouse gas emission sources included facilities and fleet. Transport Canada was unable to obtain all the required information for the 2011/2012 reporting year to meet the DPR deadlines so a combination of 2011/2012 and 2010/2011 data was used.

  2. Exclusions: Sarnia Harbour - Billing includes both the guardhouses and other electrical costs for security and street lighting. Consumption for the guardhouses is minimal given that use is infrequent and short in duration. The sites were examined for inclusion but were not reported due to the inability of separating the building energy consumption from other end uses. (3 in total).

    National Airports System (NAS) Airport Hangars - (Various Canadian locations) Security Exclusion: Due to the location of the hangars (located at NAS airports and the nature of the work taking place there), the department has decided to exclude them from GHG reporting.  Custodian Exclusion: Although Transport Canada technically owns and operates these aircraft hangars, they are located on NAS airport properties which are operated by the airport authorities themselves. The relationship between Transport Canada and the individual airport authority is governed by a Ground Lease, which defines the terms and conditions under which an airport authority, as a tenant and operator, is to manage, operate and develop the airport. The aircraft hangars are leased back to Transport Canada, and for this reason the department is considered a tenant and not a custodian.

  3. Baseline adjustment rationale: Transport Canada’s baseline data was adjusted as a result of four buildings being added to the department’s facility report as new information was discovered related to these facilities being subsidized by the department.  Additionally, the four NAS airport hangars were excluded from GHG reporting due to security exclusions as well as custodian exclusions. (See above for more information)

  4. Table update rationale: Transport Canada’s GHG data was calculated in the past using tonnes as opposed to the PWGSC style using kilotons. As a result, our results had to be modified to meet the reporting methodology of PWGSC .

  5. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Building Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Although Transport Canada did not meet its interim target the department is still on track to exceed the 17% reduction in GHG emissions, according to PWGSC criteria that absolute reductions in GHG emissions achieved be greater than 6.8% relative to the base year.

Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target

8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track Green
Existence of implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally-generated EEE (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Will be completed by March 2012 Yes: March 2012
Total number of departmental locations with EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. FY  2011-12 17% 17%
FY  2012-13 60%  
FY  2013-14 100%  

Strategies / Comments

  1. Definition of location: Number of locations is six based on consolidated responsibility for waste disposal at regional office level including the National Capital Region.

  2. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Electronic and Electrical Equipment Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  3. Rationale for traffic light indicator: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to achieve the expected result.

Printing Unit Reduction Target

8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply target where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in fiscal year 2010-11, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. (Optional) Not applicable Not applicable
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. FY  2011-12 5:1 5:1
FY  2012-13 8:1  
FY  2013-14 10:1  

Strategies / Comments

  • Definition: Multifunctional devices, desktop printers, network printers, photocopiers and faxes

  • Scope: Transport Canada is working towards the process of determining the possibility of meeting the 8:1 ratio at Transport Canada buildings across the nation based on building occupancy levels, security considerations and where space configurations allow. While some buildings may have a smaller ratio due to above-mentioned considerations, on average, the department will meet this target for all employees.

  • Method used for determining number of printing units: Information Management/Information Technology (Corporate Services) is leading a departmental initiative to inventory (via electronic and manual means) all printing units.

  • Method used for determining number of office employees: Number of Transport Canada unique user identifications as validated against Human Resources statistics (6192 employees).

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Printing Unit Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  • Rationale for selected traffic light indicator: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to achieve the expected result.

Paper Consumption Target

8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005-06 and 2011-12, and applicable scope.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded Blue
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased or consumed per office employee in the baseline year selected, as per departmental scope. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Not applicable 9030
(Baseline 2010/2011)
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption, expressed as a percentage, relative to baseline year selected. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) FY  2011-12 Not applicable 55%
FY  2012-13 10%  
FY  2013-14 20%  

Strategies / Comments

  • Scope: Transport Canada has elected to include all departmental employees, irrespective of their work location.

  • Method used for determining paper consumption: Transport Canada will use information obtained from various sources throughout the department. Justification for change from fiscal year 2011-12 Report on Plans and Priorities Greening Government Operations Supplementary Table: further analysis and better data availability prompted the modification to the methodology.

  • Method used for determining number of office employees: Number of Transport Canada unique user identifications as validated against Human Resources statistics (6192 employees).

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Paper Consumption Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selection: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to surpass the expected results.

Green Meetings Target

8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Presence of a green meeting guide. (Optional in RPP 2011-12) Yes: Adopted 2010 Yes: Adopted 2010

Strategies / Comments

  • Adoption: Transport Canada has incorporated Environment Canada’s green meeting guide into its environmental management system and has developed an internal webpage to link Transport Canada employees to the document.

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Green Meetings targets table. (Green Meetings Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.) 

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to achieve the expected result.

Green Procurement Targets

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least 3 SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

By March 31, 2014, 80% of all vehicles purchased annually are right-sized for operational needs, a fuel efficient vehicle in its class in the Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide, and/or an alternative fuel vehicle. 
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track Green
Number of vehicle purchases that meet the target relative to the total number of all vehicle purchases in the given year. 42 expected to meet target
52 expected purchases in total
23 vehicles purchased in total:
Gasoline: 8
E85/Gasoline: 9
Hybrid: 6
17 vehicles met target
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 80% 74%

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity and purchasing mechanism.

  2. Measurable: Information available through our tracking and financial systems.

  3. Achievable: Departmental policy mandating use of PWGSC standing offers.

  4. Relevant: High rating according to the environmental issue impact assessment.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Reason why objective was not met: Several vehicles were scheduled to be replaced with similar type hybrid vehicles but the selected hybrids were no longer available.  Therefore, the Department purchased gasoline engined vehicles that meet operational requirements (for example, towing capacity requirements).

  2. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Procurement Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  3. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan to achieve the target and is very close to meeting the 80% target.


As of April 1, 2012, all office computers will have a minimum average of a 4-year life in the Department.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Average life of office computers in the Department. 4 years 4 years
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 4 year life span maintained 4 year life span maintained

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity.

  2. Measurable: Information available from departmental tracking system.

  3. Achievable: Department’s Desktop Life Cycle Plan.

  4. Relevant: High rating according to the environmental issue impact assessment.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Procurement Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  2. Rationale for traffic light indicator: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to achieve the expected result.



By March 31, 2014, 100% of copy paper purchases contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and have forest management certification or EcoLogoM or equivalent certification.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On track Green
Volume of paper purchases meeting the target relative to total volume of all paper purchases in the given year. 55% in 2009/10 55% 2009/10
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 55% in 2011/12 52% 2011/12

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity.

  2. Measurable: Information available through PWGSC Standing Offers.

  3. Achievable: Departmental policy mandating use of PWGSC standing offers.

  4. Relevant: High rating according to the environmental issue impact assessment.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Baseline: 2009/2010 statistics from PWGSC

  2. Scope: Transport Canada has elected to include all departmental employees, irrespective of their work location.

  3. Method used for determining paper consumption: Transport Canada will use information obtained from various sources throughout the department. Justification for change from fiscal year 2011-12 Report on Plans and Priorities Greening Government Operations Supplementary Table: further analysis and better data availability prompted the modification to the methodology.

  4. Method used for determining number of office employees: Number of Transport Canada unique user identifications as validated against Human Resources statistics (6192 employees).

  5. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Paper Consumption Implementation Plan available as of March 2012) 

  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selection: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan, but we did not meet the target set for the year. While the 2011-12, target was not fully met, Transport Canada is on track to meet the March 31, 2014 target.



8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making. [5]

Training for select employees.

By March 31, 2014, 90% of designated contracting specialists and 60% of new acquisition cardholders will have taken a recognized training course on green procurement offered by the Canada School of Public Service, or any other federal government department.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded Blue

Number of designated contracting specialists and procurement personnel who have completed training relative to the total number of materiel managers and procurement personnel.

Not Available 11 of 16
Number of new acquisition cardholders who have completed training relative to the total number of acquisition cardholders. Not
30 of 30
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 50% of designated contracting specialists and 60% of new acquisition cardholders 68% of designated contracting specialists and 100% of new acquisition cardholders

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of training and purchasing mechanism.

  2. Measurable: Combination of manual, H.R. and financial systems.

  3. Achievable: Departmental policy mandating participation on Green Procurement course.

  4. Relevant: Main requirement of the Policy on Green Procurement.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  • Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Procurement Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  • Rationale for traffic light indicator selection: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to surpass the planned accomplishments.



Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management.
By March 31, 2012, identified designated contracting specialists and their managers and functional heads will have environmental consideration clauses incorporated into their performance evaluations.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded Blue
Number of performance evaluations of identified positions that have environmental consideration clauses relative to the total of identified positions. Not Available 2
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 90% 100%

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of target group based on pre-established criteria.

  2. Measurable: Information on the number of positions will be tracked based on manual recording and will be captured by H.R. Since information is protected upon completion, actual performance results cannot be captured or released.

  3. Achievable: Departmental policy mandating inclusion of a performance clause in positions that have been identified as requiring a clause based on pre-established criteria.

  4. Relevant: Main requirement of the Policy on Green Procurement.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Procurement Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  2. Rationale for traffic light indicator selection: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to surpass the planned accomplishment.



Management processes and controls.
By March 31, 2013, departmental fleet management policies, guidelines and/or standards that include mandatory green fleet practices and purchasing will be reviewed and evaluated.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved Green
Number of reviews and evaluations conducted to verify that the fleet management standards are met. 2 2
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 1 1

Strategies / Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART: 

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity and purchasing mechanism.

  2. Measurable: Information available from our financial system.

  3. Achievable: Departmental policy mandating use of PWGSC standing offers.

  4. Relevant: Main requirement of the Policy on Green Procurement.

  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Transport Canada’s implementation plan includes all of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the Government Greening Operations targets table. (Green Procurement Implementation Plan available as of March 2012.)

  2. Rationale for traffic light indicator selection: The department created a comprehensive implementation plan and was able to achieve the expected result.


Reporting on the Purchases of Offset Credits

Mandatory reporting on the purchase of greenhouse gas emissions offset credits, as per the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events, should be reported here.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Quantity of emissions offset in the given fiscal year. (Optional for all RPP s) Not applicable Not applicable

Strategies / Comments

  1.  Transport Canada did not purchase greenhouse gas emissions offset credits 





[1] This would be demonstrated by achieving LEED NC Silver, Green Globes Design 3 Globes, or equivalent. (Return to footnote reference 1)

[2] Assessment tools include: BOMA BESt , Green Globes or equivalent. (Return to footnote reference 2)

[3] Assessment tools include: BOMA BESt , an appropriately tailored BOMA International Green Lease Standard, or equivalent. (Return to footnote reference 3)

[4] This would be demonstrated by achieving LEED CI Silver, Green Globes Fit-Up 3 Globes, or equivalent. (Return to footnote reference 4)

[5] Alternatively, departments and agencies bound by the Policy on Green Procurement but not the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA) can follow the approach required of FSDA departments for green procurement by setting and reporting on green procurement targets as specified in the "Green Procurement Targets" section in the above table. (Return to footnote reference 5)