User Fees, Regulatory Charges and External Fees

General and Financial Information by Fee
Fee name Aviation Safety Regulatory Fees
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Aeronautics Act; and Canadian Aviation Regulations: Fees in Schedule II, Part I, subpart 4
Year introduced 1996
Year last amended 2000 (Subsequent amendments to regulations and/or fee reductions, if any, did not trigger the User Fees Act)
Performance standard

Civil Aviation's:

Performance results

Within Civil Aviation, we continue to expand the use of our Activity Tracking System (ATS) throughout the organization to allow the tracking of numerous program-related activities, including services with regulatory fees. 

In 2016-17, we delivered 72,816 services. Services with official standards were delivered 78% of the time within their established levels of service. This includes all fee-based and select non-fee services as published externally in TP 14984. If segregating performance by type of service, services with fees were delivered 81% of the time within their published Service Standards, in comparison to 88% of the time in 2015-16.

Other information Our Communications Centre representatives address telephone and email enquiries from the general public on numerous subjects such as the Civil Aviation Program and its services and regulations.
Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
8,204,000 8,286,527 58,911,323
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 8,268,444 53,330,581
2018-19 8,268,445 53,330,581
2019-20 8,268,445 53,330,581
Fee name

Marine Safety Regulatory Fees
(Inspections, Surveys, Services, etc.)

Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority

These consist of:

Year introduced 1995
Year last amended

The last modifications of regulations pertaining to user fees were made in 2007. However, this did not trigger the User Fees Act, as there were no changes to the actual fees; these changes were regulatory in nature only. Over the years, our revenues have risen due to:

Performance standard

Marine Safety completed a consultation and review process in 2012 to revise Service Standards for its fees. Details are provided on Transport Canada's website: Service Standards for Marine Safety Fees.

Performance results

Within Marine Safety and Security, we are currently developing an Information Technology (IT) solution to strengthen oversight and management capabilities and consolidate a number of business lines within the organization. The objective is to expand on the Marine Safety Dispatch and Tracking System, released in April 2013, which measures the performance of Vessel Inspection and Certification Services.

The IT solution will improve our ability to track performance results:

  • Against documented service standards of other marine safety-related services; and
  • For compliance monitoring inspections.

Our 2016-17 performance results for Vessel Inspection and Certification Services for which a fee is levied, exceeds 85%.

Other information

The increase in revenue during fiscal year 2016-2017 was mostly generated by an increase in the number of vessel registrations and other associated registry transactions.

A complaint mechanism policy, "Handling of complaints related to Marine Safety User Fees and Applicable Service Standards," is available on our website.

Full or partial costs of activities that bring no benefits to the client/user, but assure the safety of the public, are not subject to user fees. Examples of such activities are compliance and enforcement.

Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
11,532,030 12,108,850 55,388,497
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 11,769,160 55,363,851
2018-19 11,769,160 55,363,851
2019-20 11,769,160 55,363,851
Fee name

Marine Safety, Ship Radio Inspection Program

Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority

Canada Shipping Act, 2001; and
Ship Radio Inspection Fees Regulations

Year introduced 1977
Year last amended

Amendments to regulations and/or fee reductions did not trigger the User Fees Act, as these changes were regulatory in nature only.

Performance standard

The Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act give our Marine Safety and Security team the authority to regulate maritime radio communication equipment for the purposes of distress alerting, safety and bridge-to-bridge communications. Our five working days performance standard is to:

  • Provide a complete and satisfactory inspection; and
  • Issue or endorse a radio inspection certificate.
Performance results

In 2016-17, the assignation of date and approximate time for a ship radio inspection was within three working days over 90% of the time and sign-off on a complete and satisfactory inspection and the issuance of a radio inspection certificate was provided within five working days 100% of the time.

Other information

Funding of the Ship Radio Inspection Program is covered by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Transport Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Revenues from user fees currently represent cost-recovery of overtime and travel costs only, and do not represent the full costs of the program. Full costs also include the costs for the program manager, a share of internal services costs and amortization costs of the ship radio inspection equipment.

A complaint mechanism policy, "Handling of complaints related to Marine Safety User Fees and Applicable Service Standards," is available on our website.

The reduction in revenue during fiscal year 2016-17 can be attributed to the reduced number of radio inspections. In summary:

  • Most vessels 24 metres in length and above have been enrolled in the Delegated Statutory Inspection Program. This delegation of inspections includes radio inspections, so the number of radio inspections have dropped from about 1000 vessels to approximately 600 vessels; and
  • Some vessels that operate in exclusively sheltered waters have moved to quadrennial radio inspections. This has also reduced the total number of inspections in a year, but does introduce some variability in the number of inspections from year to year.
Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
72,774 48,772 571,835
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 48,772 571,829
2018-19 48,772 571,829
2019-20 48,772 571,829
Fee name

Airport Fees, Air Services Charges Regulations
(General Terminal Fees, Landing Fees, Aircraft Parking Charges, Emergency Response Services Charges)

Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority

Paragraph 4.4(2) of the Aeronautics Act; and
Section 2 of the Ministerial Regulations Authorization Order for the Air Services Charges Regulations

Year introduced 1985
Year last amended

Subsequent amendments to regulations and/or fee reductions, if any, did not trigger the User Fees Act.

Performance standard

Airports National Service Standards are available on our website.

Performance results

We met our performance standards more than 90% of the time.

Other information

Data includes Transport Canada-owned and -operated airports only. 

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on its behalf.

Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
6,101,860 6,584,517 34,873,265
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 6,153,450 31,162,978
2018-19 6,153,450 31,298,374
2019-20 6,153,450 30,314,615
Fee name

Airport Fees, Airport Traffic Regulations (Annual Registration of Mobile Equipment)

Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority

Government Property Traffic Act;
Airport Traffic Regulations — Part III, sections 57 to 60

Year introduced 1974
Year last amended

Subsequent amendments to regulations and/or fee reductions, if any, did not trigger the User Fees Act.

Performance standard

Airports National Service Standards are available on our website.

Performance results

We met our performance standards more than 90% of the time.

Other information

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard, and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on its behalf.

Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
1,120 0 2,888
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 979 2,392
2018-19 988 2,410
2019-20 990 2,278
Fee name

Airport Vehicle Parking Charges, Airport Vehicle Parking Charges Regulations

Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority

Paragraph 4.4(2) of the Aeronautics Act; and Section 2 of the Ministerial Regulations Authorization Order for the Airport Vehicle Parking Charges Regulations

Year introduced 1987
Year last amended

Subsequent amendments to regulations and/or fee reductions, if any, did not trigger the User Fees Act.

Performance standard

Airports National Service Standards are available on our website.

Performance results

We met our performance standards more than 90% of the time.

Other information

Data includes Transport Canada-owned and -operated airports only. 

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on its behalf.

Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
392,010 438,812 1,438,858
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 487,672 1,191,593
2018-19 492,279 1,200,616
2019-20 493,063 1,135,055
Fee name

Public Port Fees
(Wharfage and Transfers, Berthage, Storage, Harbour Dues, Utilities and Other Services)

Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority

Canada Marine Act; and Public Port Fees

Year introduced 1998
Year last amended


Performance standard

Public Ports and Public Port Facilities National Service Standards are posted on our website.

Performance results

We met our performance standards more than 90% of the time.

Other information

Data includes Transport Canada-owned and operated ports only.

A complaint mechanism has been implemented through feedback on our website for service standards related to public ports and public port facilities. Other dispute mechanisms are in place and built into each service standard.
Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
8,159,568 6,090,107 25,881,076
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full costFootnote *
2017-18 7,363,700 57,556,863
2018-19 7,354,185 23,622,086
2019-20 7,355,885 22,544,787
Fee name

Fees Charged for the Processing of Access Requests Filed Under the Access to Information Act

Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority

Access to Information Act

Year introduced 1985
Year last amended

Subsequent amendments to the Act and regulations did not trigger the User Fees Act.

Performance standard

Service Standards are included in the Access to information Act, section 7. A response is provided within 30 days following receipt of a request. However, the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the Act. Notice of extension is to be sent within 30 days after receipt of a request.

Performance results

Transport Canada's Access to Information on-time response rate in 2016-17 was 84%. This result reflects Transport Canada's commitment to ensuring that every reasonable effort is made to complete requests in a timely manner and to meet its commitments to requestors.

The information track is for completed requests only, and represents both application fees for 750 requests and search fees for three requests. It does not include payments received last year for requests that are still active and carried over into fiscal year 2017-18.

Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest; there is also discretion to waive application fees in keeping with the principle of duty to assist. Fees were waived or returned for 57 applications.

Cost information is based on the 2016-17 Statistical Report on the Access to Information Act. User Fee financial information includes adjustments to a full cost base in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat's Guide to CostingFootnote 1.

Other information

On May 5, 2016, the Treasury Board issued a directive that clarifies that institutions are henceforth only permitted to charge the initial request fee of $5. Fees for searches or production of records are no longer permissible. As a result, going forward, in line with the Interim Directive on the Administration of the Access to Information Act, all fees, apart from the $5 application fee, will be waived. 

Financial Information, 2016-17 (in dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
4,000 5,590 2,529,539
Financial Information, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017-18 3,950 3,506,535
2018-19 4,050 3,565,641
2019-20 4,150 3,625,929

Summary of Financial Information for All User Fees and Regulatory Charges

Summary of Financial Information for All User Fees and Regulatory Charges, 2016-17 (in dollars)
  Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
Subtotal regulatory 19,808,804 20,444,148 114,871,655
Subtotal other products and services 14,658,558 13,119,026 64,725,626
Total 34,467,362 33,563,175 179,597,281
Summary of Financial Information for All User Fees and Regulatory Charges, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (in dollars)
  Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
Regulatory subtotal 2017-18 20,086,376 109,266,261
2018-19 20,086,377 109,266,261
2019-20 20,086,377 109,266,261
Other products and services subtotal 2017-18 14,009,751 93,420,361
2018-19 14,004,952 59,689,128
2019-20 14,007,538 57,622,664
Total, all fee types 2017-18 34,096,127 202,686,622
2018-19 34,091,329 168,955,389
2019-20 34,093,914 166,888,925

According to the prevailing legal opinion, when the introduction or most recent amendment of a user fee or regulatory charge occurred before March 31, 2004:

  • The performance standard, if provided, would not have received parliamentary review; and
  • The performance standard, if provided, may not respect all established requirements under the User Fees Act (e.g., international comparison or independent complaint address); and
  • The performance result, if provided, is not legally subject to section 5.1 of the User Fees Act regarding fee reductions for unachieved performance.

External Fees and the Policy on Service Standards for External Fees

External fee name

Aviation Safety Regulatory Fees

Service standard

Civil Aviation's:

Performance results

Within Civil Aviation, we continue to expand the use of our Activity Tracking System (ATS) throughout the organization to allow the tracking of numerous program-related activities, including services with regulatory fees. 

In 2016-17, we delivered 72,816 services. Services with official standards were delivered 78% of the time within their established levels of service. This includes all fee-based and select non-fee services as published externally in TP 14984. If segregating performance by type of service, services with fees were delivered 81% of the time within their published Service Standards, in comparison to 88% of the time in 2015-16.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years We continue to raise awareness of our Civil Aviation services to our stakeholders and to gain a better understanding of their needs through a number of forums, in particular the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council meetings, and numerous association conferences like the Air Transport Association of Canada conferences.  Internally for Transport Canada Civil Aviation employees, this is achieved through training sessions and other communication channels.
Other information

A review of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part 104, continues in order to modernize the fee structure so as to ensure the fees reflect the current operating costs.

External fee name

Marine Safety, Regulatory Fees (inspections, surveys, services, etc.)

Service standard Marine Safety's Service Standards
Performance results

2016-17 performance results are available for Vessel Inspection and Certification Services, for which a fee is levied pursuant to the Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees. Performance for these standards exceeds 85%.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years At the spring 2014 Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) meetings, we provided an update on our review of user fees to stakeholders.
Other information

Within Marine Safety and Security, we are currently developing an Information Technology (IT) solution to strengthen oversight and management capabilities and consolidate a number of business lines within the organization. The objective is to expand on the Marine Safety Dispatch and Tracking System, released in April 2013, which measures the performance of Vessel Inspection and Certification Services.

The IT solution will improve our ability to track performance results:

  • Against documented service standards of other marine safety-related services; and
  • For compliance monitoring inspections.

Our 2016-17 performance results for Vessel Inspection and Certification Services for which a fee is levied, exceeds 85%.

External fee name

Marine Safety, Ship Radio Inspection Program

Service standard

The Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act give our Marine Safety and Security team the authority to regulate maritime radio communication equipment on board for the purposes of distress alerting, safety and bridge-to-bridge communications. Our five working days performance standard is to:

  • Provide a complete and satisfactory inspection; and
  • Issue or endorse a radio inspection certificate.
Performance results

In 2016-17, the assignation of date and approximate time for a ship radio inspection was within three working days over 90% of the time and sign-off on a complete and satisfactory inspection and the issuance of a radio inspection certificate was provided within five working days 100% of the time.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years A complaint mechanism is accessible on the Transport Canada website enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders.
Other information

Vessels enrolled in the Delegated Statutory Inspection Program (DSIP) are not part of annual service performance reporting for 2016-17.

External fee name

Airport Fees, Air Services Charges Regulations
(General Terminal Fees, Landing Fees, Aircraft Parking Charges, Emergency Response Services Charges)

Service standard

Airports National Service Standards

Performance results

Performance met standards more than 90% of the time.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years

Ongoing stakeholder consultations and feedback are managed through existing channels (tenant meetings, comment cards, etc.) at the various sites and on our website.

Reviews of 2016-17 feedback were deemed satisfactory and no outstanding issues have been reported. In 2017-18, ongoing feedback will continue to be managed through existing channels.

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on our behalf.

Other information

Not applicable

External fee name

Airport Fees, Airport Traffic Regulations (Annual Registration of Mobile Equipment)

Service standard

Airports National Service Standards

Performance results

Performance standards were met more than 90% of the time.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years

Ongoing stakeholder consultations and feedback are managed through existing channels (tenant meetings, comment cards, etc.) at the various sites and on our website.

Reviews of 2016-17 feedback were deemed satisfactory and no outstanding issues have been reported. In 2017-18, ongoing feedback will continue to be managed through existing channels.

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on our behalf.

Other information

Not applicable

External fee name

Airports, Vehicle Parking Charges, Airport Vehicle Parking Charges Regulations

Service standard

Airports National Service Standards

Performance results

Performance standards were met more than 90% of the time.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years

Ongoing stakeholder consultations and feedback are managed through existing channels (tenant meetings, comment cards, etc.) at the various sites and on our website.

Reviews of 2016-17 feedback have been satisfactory and no outstanding issues have been reported. In 2017-18, ongoing feedback will continue to be managed through existing channels.

Complaint mechanisms enabling feedback from members of the public and stakeholders have been established. Mechanisms are incorporated into each service standard and are included on our website for service standards related to airports operated by Transport Canada or on our behalf.

Other information

Not applicable

External fee name

Public Port Fees
(Wharfage and transfers, Berthage, Storage, Harbour Dues, Utilities and Other Services)

Service standard

Public Ports National Service Standards.

Reviews of 2016-17 feedback have been satisfactory and there are no outstanding issues reported. In 2017-18, stakeholder feedback will continue to be managed through existing channels.

A complaint mechanism has been implemented through feedback on Transport Canada's website for service standards related to public ports and public port facilities. Other dispute mechanisms are in place and built into each service standard.

Other information

Not applicable

External fee name

Fees Charged for the Processing of Access Requests Filed Under the Access to Information Act

Service standard

Service Standards are included in the Access to information Act, section 7. A response is provided within 30 days following receipt of a request. However, the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the Act. Notice of extension is to be sent within 30 days after receipt of a request.

Performance results

Transport Canada’s Access to Information on-time response rate in 2016-17 was 84%. This result reflects Transport Canada’s commitment to ensuring that every reasonable effort is made to complete requests in a timely manner and to meet its commitments to requestors.

The information track is for completed requests only, and represents both application fees for 750 requests and search fees for three requests. It does not include payments received last year for requests that are still active and carried over into fiscal year 2017-18.

Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest; there is also discretion to waive application fees in keeping with the principle of duty to assist. Fees were waived or returned for 57 applications and one search.

Cost information is based on the 2016-17 Statistical Report on the Access to Information Act. User Fee financial information includes adjustments to a full cost base in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat's Guide to CostingFootnote 2.

Stakeholder consultation in 2016-17 or prior fiscal years

Not Applicable

Other information

On May 5, 2016, the Treasury Board issued a directive that clarifies that institutions are henceforth only permitted to charge the initial request fee of $5. Fees for searches or production of records are no longer permissible. As a result, going forward, in line with the Interim Directive on the Administration of the Access to Information Act, all fees, apart from the $5 application fee, will be waived.


As established under the Policy on Service Standards for External Fees:

  • Service standards may not have received parliamentary review;
  • Service standards may not respect all performance standard establishment requirements under the User Fees Act (e.g., international comparison or independent complaint process); and
  • Performance results are not legally subject to section 5.1 of the User Fees Act regarding fee reductions for unachieved performance.