Request a Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) for an appliance or part

Before you apply

Information you need to apply:

  • a completed Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) Design Approval Application (Form 26-0764)
  • a description of the main design features and specifications of the appliance or part
  • a proposed certification basis
  • a certification plan that identifies:
    • the means you will use to show that the appliance or part conforms to the applicable certification basis
    • documentation that shows how the appliance or part meets the applicable certification basis
    • the resources you will need to show that the appliance or part meets the conformity requirements
    • the schedule for showing that the product meets the conformity requirements
  • a draft of the declaration of design and performance referred to in paragraph 521.107(b)
  • how you will identify the model number of an appliance or part and the part number of each piece of the appliance or part and how changes will be identified