Apply to the In-Flight Supplies Security Program

Our top priority is the safety and security of the traveling public.

The In-Flight Supplies (IFS) Security Program helps keep in-flight supplies secure at every stage of their journey. The program consists of a secure supply chain process for in-flight supplies that are used, consumed, or purchased by passengers or crew.

If your business is involved in screening, storing and/or transporting secure in-flight supplies, you can apply to the program. Participants at each stage of the supply chain can participate and make/keep the supplies secure.

Businesses that participate in the program are held to the highest standards in aviation security.

To be a part of the program, your business will need to:

  • complete an online application
  • complete/submit all required documentation for review
  • become approved
  • once regulated, meet ongoing inspection requirements

There is no fee to join the program.

On this page

Who’s eligible

This program is open to Canadian organizations that make, move, store or load goods on board an aircraft for in-flight use, consumption or purchase by passengers or crew.

The program is open to:

  • Air Carriers, and
  • Regulated In-Flight Suppliers (RIFS) (any person or organization other than an air carrier who can tender, accept, store, and screen in-flight supplies and who has been assigned a unique identifier program number)

RIFS include:

  • caterers or commissary suppliers or groomers
  • companies who provide warehousing services
  • screening and/or transportation providers

What you need before you start

Have this information ready before you start your online application. The application should take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

If you’re applying on behalf of a company, please note that you will need the contact information for a company executive and business information to complete the application.

Once the application is complete you can submit your application electronically. We also recommend that you print a copy for your records.

Business information and address

The program requires a site-specific application and will only accept applications from registered Canadian businesses. In order to verify your information, we need:

  • your business name
  • your 9-digit business number from the Canada Revenue Agency
  • the physical business address (PO Boxes are not accepted)
  • company website (optional)

Business name

If your business is a sole proprietorship, use the name that appears on your individual tax return.

If your business is a registered partnership, use the names of the registered partners.

If your business is a corporation, use the name that appears on the articles of incorporation.

Company Executive

The company executive must have signing authority for the business. They must also have the ability to legally bind the organization to the general terms and conditions.

In-Flight Supplies Security Coordinator (IFS SC)

Every site in Canada that handles in-flight supplies needs an In-Flight Supplies Security Coordinator. The coordinator’s role in the program is to ensure that your organization complies with the in-flight supplies regulatory requirements and will be the main contact between the site and Transport Canada for aviation security matters. They should be a senior manager or supervisor within the company.

Background check

The Company Executive, IFS Security Coordinator and all IFS Authorized Representatives, Screeners, Agents or Mandataries must hold a valid background check or Transportation Security Clearance.

How to apply

Using the links below, have your Company Executive or IFS Security Coordinator complete an application for every site you want included in the program.

Air Carrier: Carriers that operate passenger flights are subject to the requirements of the In-Flight Supplies Security Program.

Register as an air carrier

Regulated In-Flight Supplier (RIFS): a person, other than an air carrier, who can accept, tender, store, and screen in-flight supplies: Caterers, Groomers, Cabin Service providers such as laundry and anyone who plans to screen/store/transport IFS.

Apply as a Regulated In-Flight Supplier (RIFS)

After you apply – specific to Regulated In-Flight Suppliers (RIFS)

Once you submit your application, Transport Canada will review it to determine whether your organizations is eligible for the program.

If your application is accepted:

  • you’ll be given access to Transport Canada’s Secure Communication Portal where you can read the In-Flight Supplies Security Measures and program guidance material
  • you will need to complete and submit a site-specific In-Flight Supplies Security Plan (template available through the secure portal)
  • Transport Canada will review the security plan and contact you to schedule a teleconference.
  • Once the plan is approved, a Transport Canada Security Inspector will contact the Company Executive or IFS Security Coordinator to schedule an on-site security assessment.

Maintaining your approval status

Once accepted into the program you’ll be required to meet it’s high security standards.

Your organization will be subject to regular oversight activities (i.e. inspections).

Contact us

Aviation Security Operations, Mailstop: ABAC
Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks St
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5

Telephone: 1-866-375-7342
