Staff Instructions - Conduct of a Special Aviation Event - Air Show - Section Three - Issuing the Authorization


When an application has been reviewed and it is determined that the requirements of the Standards have been met, a Special Flight Operations Certificate for the event shall be prepared for the signature of the Regional Superintendent, General Aviation. As the documentation required to approve events can be quite extensive, it is imperative that it is presented to a Superintendent in an orderly and comprehensive manner for his or her review.

Standard Format for a Special Flight Operations Certificate - Special Aviation Event - Air Show

All Special Flight Operations Certificates - Special Aviation Event - Air Show shall be issued in a standard letter format using the appropriate Transport Canada, letterhead as outlined below.

  1. The letter shall be addressed to the applicant as listed or named in the application.
  2. The date of issue shall be entered on the letter.
  3. Enter the number corresponding to the regional 6605 file.
  4. Following the appropriate salutation (e.g. Dear Sir etc.), the following wording shall be used in all Special Flight Operations Certificates for this activity.

Pursuant to section 603.02 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations this constitutes your Special Flight Operations Certificate to conduct the Special Aviation Event identified below. Issued under the authority of the Minister pursuant to the Aeronautics Act, it certifies that the certificate holder is adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation, subject to the observance and performance by the certificate holder of the conditions set out in this certificate, or any part thereof.


Identify the air show, including the airspace dimensions. Enter the validity times and ensure they match the times entered in the NOTAM issued for the air show.


The Wings Air Show - 5 nautical miles radius of the Wishings Falls Airport- Surface to 10,000 Feet ASL - June 5 and 6, 1996 - 1600 til 2100 UTC

(1) This certificate:

  1. (a) is issued to (enter name as it appears on the on the application);
  2. (b) may be suspended or cancelled at any time by the Minister for cause, including failure on the part of they certificate holder, its servants or agents to comply with the provisions of the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs); and
  3. (c) is not transferable and shall remain valid until (enter the dates of the air show) or it is suspended or cancelled.

(2) Nothing in this certificate shall be held to relieve the certificate holder from compliance with the provisions of such Canadian Aviation Documents as may have been issued pursuant to the Aeronautics Act.

(3) The certificate holder shall maintain an adequate management organization that:

  1. (a) is capable of exercising supervision and operational control over
    1. (i) persons attending the special aviation event, and
    2. (ii) any flight that is to be operated at the special aviation event; and
  2. (b) meets the Special Flight Operations Standards.

(4) The certificate holder shall:

  1. (a) ensure that participants are
    1. (i) qualified for the type of demonstration to be flown, and
    2. (ii) provided with a briefing that meets the Special Flight Operations Standards; and
  2. (b) shall conduct the special aviation event in a safe manner.

(5) The management organization, crowd control facilities and procedures, emergency facilities and procedures, the location of the flight lines, the method of marking the flight lines, the position of the flying display area and air traffic display procedures shall be in accordance with data provided with the application, copies attached, or as otherwise agreed between the applicant and Transport Canada.

(6) Unless otherwise specified in this certificate, flight operations and demonstrations shall be carried out in accordance with section 603.07 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations and section 623.07 Minimum Safety Distances and Altitudes of the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows.

(7) Only pilots and aircraft approved on form number 26-0374 dated __________________________ shall appear in the air display. Deletion of performances, repeat performances and the timing and sequencing of the air display are at the discretion of the certificate holder.


If an alternate format has been submitted to identify participating pilots and aircraft, remove the reference to "on form 26-0374..." and insert the reference to the document you used to identify the participants. i.e. "in your letter dated June 1, 1996...".

(8) Minimum weather conditions are a ground visibility of 3 miles and a ceiling of (enter ceiling restriction as applicable, minimum is 1000 feet above ground level).

(9) The participation of any military aircraft for either aerial or static display must be authorized by the Department of National Defence.

(10) The following persons and or aircraft are authorized to the altitudes indicated below.


Enter all pilots, aircraft and type of manoeuvres to be authorized lower than the altitudes of 300 or 500 feet AGL. Use as much space as required.


  1. Jim Franklin - Waco - aerobatic routine to the surface
  2. Air Canada - A320 - fly-by at 300 feet AGL
  3. The Northern Lights - Extra 300 - aerobatics - to the surface


The following section is to be used for sites that meet the requirements for a reduction from the optimum spectator safety distances specified in subparagraphs 623.07(5)(a)(ii), 623.7(5)(a)(iii), 623.07(5)(b)(ii) or 623.07(5)(b)(iii) of the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows ".

Use only the conditions that apply and delete the remainder.

(*) A reduction of the spectator safety distance for Category I aircraft between the primary spectator area and the show line line as specified in section 623.07(5)(a)(ii) - Manoeuvres Along Show Linesof the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows from 1500 feet to (enter applicable distance - minimum is 1200) feet is approved.

(*) A reduction of the spectator safety distance for Category I aircraft between the show line line and the secondary spectator area, built-up area, or occupied buildings as specified in section 623.07(5)(a)(iii) - Manoeuvres Along Show Lines of the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows from 1500 feet to (enter applicable distance - minimum is 1200) feet is approved.

(*) A reduction of the spectator safety distance for Category II aircraft between the primary spectator area and the show line line as specified in subparagraph 623.07(5)(b)(ii) - Manoeuvres Along Show Linesof the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows from 1000 feet to (enter applicable distance - minimum is 800) feet is approved.

(*) A reduction of the spectator safety distance for Category II aircraft between the show line and the secondary spectator area, built-up area, or occupied buildings as specified in subparagraph 623.07(5)(b)(iii) - Manoeuvres Along Show Lines of the Special Flight Operations Standards - Air Shows from 1000 feet to (enter applicable distance - minimum is 800) feet is approved.


The following conditions apply only to night air shows, delete where they are not required.

(*) Night aerobatic demonstrations are authorized within an area confined to 1 nautical mile (NM) on either side of the show centre along a well-defined, lighted show line.

(*) Night aerobatic demonstrations are authorized to a minimum altitude of 500 feet AGL to a maximum altitude of 5,000 feet AGL.

(*) No aircraft shall carry out aerobatic demonstrations at night in weather conditions where the ceiling is less than 2,500 feet above ground level or ground visibility is less than 3 miles.

(*) Aircraft position lights may be shut off while pyrotechnics on the aircraft are illuminated.

Yours truly,

Procedure:  Insert the appropriate signature block