General aviation, private and all-weather operations, equipment requirements, obstacle marking and lighting, de-icing, offences and enforcement.

Most requested
Services and information
Better pilot decision-making
Weather, flight plans, situational awareness, human limits.
Staying current and proficient as a pilot
Skill development, continual training.
Best practices in general aviation
Passenger safety briefings, personal checklists, flying with floats and skis, safe takeoff and landing.
Flying to Canada: what you need to know
Pilot and aircraft documentation, flight planning, airspace navigation, customs, regulations.
Foreign Airspace Conflict Zones
Inventory of Transport Canada alerts for Canadian airlines flying near or over foreign conflict zones.
Marking and lighting of obstacles to air navigation
Obstacle marking and lighting, how to report an incident at a cell tower or aviation obstacle.
De-icing and anti-icing aircraft
Procedures and holdover time (HOT) guidelines for de-icing and anti-icing aircraft.
Apply for a private operator registration document
Private operator registration document application process.
Getting certified as a Category II and III (all-weather) operator
Certification for CAT II and III all-weather operations.
Aviation offences and enforcement
Aviation enforcement and processes, corporate and non-corporate offenders.
Aviation safety management
State safety program, fatigue risk management.
Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)
Approved and accepted ELTs, installation and maintenance requirements and approvals, frequency specifications.
Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
Automatic revision notification, guidance book, procedures manual.