Civil Aviation Safety Alerts

The Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASA) is used to convey important safety information and contains recommended action items.

The CASA strives to assist the aviation industry's efforts to provide a service with the highest possible degree of safety.

The CASA may be changed or amended should new information become available.

These were formerly published as Service Difficulty Advisories and Service Difficulty Alerts prior to October 1, 2010.

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If you are an aircraft owner, AME or foreign civil aviation authority, and you wish to receive notifications of new CASAs related to aeronautical products, Transport Canada recommends that you join the CASA electronic mailing list by sending an email to If you wish to also receive notifications of new CASAs on all other subjects related to civil aviation in general, you may sign up via e-news.


If you have any questions or require further information, feel free to contact us by Civil Aviation Communications Centre contact form or by phone at 1-800-305-2059.

Active CASAs

Document number Date Subject
CASA 2025-01 2025-02-25 Cockpit Displays – Cooling Air Filter – Non-Compliance to Flammability Requirements
CASA 2024-13 2024-11-29 Maintaining accessibility to portable oxygen bottles
CASA 2024-12 2024-11-21 Electrical Shock Hazard 
CASA 2024-11 2024-11-15 Localizer Tracking Anomaly
CASA 2024-10 2024-10-10 Reported Incidents of GPS/GNSS Interference
CASA 2024-08 2024-07-18 Defects on the Tension-Torsion strap assemblies
CASA 2024-07 2024-07-10 Mitigation of Flight Deck Fires Originating from Lithium Batteries that are Not Part of the Aeroplane Type Design
CASA 2024-06 2024-05-29 Operation of Aircraft with a Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited in Actual or Proposed CAR 702 Aerial Work
CASA 2024-05 2024-05-06 Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
CASA 2024-04 2024-05-14 Loose Bolts and Missing Sealant at the Fuel Boost Pump Canister to Wing Rib 6 Interface
CASA 2024-03 2024-04-22 Inboard flap spigot tube and mid and outboard flap corrosion
CASA 2024-02 2024-03-15 Documentation Required for Installation of Parts Associated with Grandfathered FAA STC Design Approvals Under the FAA-TCCA IPA
CASA 2024-01 2024-02-22 Incorrectly Installed Outflow Valve (OFV) Coupling
CASA 2023-07 2025-02-04 Degraded Anti-Skid Performance when Landing on a Contaminated Runway
CASA 2023-06 2023-11-24 Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
CASA 2023-05 2023-10-19 Suspected Unapproved Parts Distributed by AOG Technics Limited
CASA 2023-04 2023-09-29 Suspected Unapproved Parts from a Bell Helicopter Textron Model 206B, Aircraft Registration N536T, Serial Number 3195
CASA 2023-03 2023-08-11 Safety Valve – Opening During Normal Operation and Ingestion of Insulation Blankets
CASA 2023-02 2023-07-19 Oxygen – Portable Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) – Missing PBE in the Forward Area of the Aeroplane
CASA 2023-01 2023-02-24 Type IV Aircraft Deicing/anti-icing Fluid DOW Chemical UCAR ENDURANCE EG106 Not Within Manufacturer’s Specification
CASA 2022-06 2022-12-08 SAE Type II, III and IV Aircraft Anti-Icing Fluid Application Guidance
CASA 2022-05 2022-12-08 Circuit Breaker Panels #1 and #2 – Inadequate Torque on Mounting Hardware
CASA 2022-04 2022-11-02 Missing or Improperly Installed Stabilizer Actuator Lock Ring
CASA 2022-03 2022-06-01 Cracks in the Anti-torque Bracket Assemblies
CASA 2022-02 2022-11-07 Amendments to TP9155 – The MMEL/MEL Policy and Procedures Manual
CASA 2022-01 2022-02-03 Limitation of Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) to Dry Runways Only
CASA 2021-12 2021-08-24 Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Cracking
CASA 2021-11 2021-07-27 Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Near Wildfires
CASA 2021-10 2021-06-30 BD-500-1A10 and -1A11 Takeoff with Incorrect Throttle Setting
CASA 2021-09 2021-06-16 PW305A Engine In-Flight Shutdown Events Due to Failure of Smiths Electronic Engine Control Units
CASA 2021-08 2021-12-23 Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
CASA 2021-07 2021-04-12 Amendments to the Approved Standard and Segmented Weights in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual
(Cancelled, 2021-10-07)
CASA 2021-06 2021-04-15 Dash-8-401 and -402 Electrical Connector Corrosion
CASA 2021-05 2021-05-04 Implementation of New B-737 Recommended Training
(Cancelled, 2021-10-04)
CASA 2021-03 2021-12-20 Inaccurate Airborne Status Transmitted by Transponders and its Effect on Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alert Systems
CASA 2021-02 2021-02-19 Aluminum Seat Belt Mounting Bracket Failures
CASA 2021-01 2021-02-08 Returning aircraft to service that have been parked or stored during the COVID-19 pandemic
CASA 2020-15 2020-12-30 Transportation of vaccines using large quantities of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) [COVID-19]
CASA 2020-02 2020-12-15 Differential settings for Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
CASA 2020-13 2020-12-07 Broken Brake Control Valve (BCV) Spring
CASA 2020-14 2021-03-05 Statement of Aerobatic Competency Renewal, Temporary Relief (Cancelled, 2023-07-31)
CASA 2020-12 2020-10-23 Flight Control Protection from Damage by Strong Winds
CASA 2020-11 2020-10-09 Revised date for Canadian Implementation of Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions and Interim Reporting of CRFI by Runway Thirds [COVID-19]
CASA 2020-10 2020-10-14 Horizontal Stabilizer Fitting – Loose Bolts
CASA 2020-09 2020-09-15 PW901A and PW901C auxiliary power unit fires
CASA 2020-08 2020-09-10 DASH 8-400 (Q400) Forward Cowl Door Departure from the Aircraft on Take-off
CASA 2020-07 2020-08-18 Crew oxygen mask stowage cup non-radiused latch tabs preventing full face crew oxygen mask removal
CASA 2020-05 2020-04-22 Inspection of Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
CASA 2020-04 2021-09-21 Transport of Cargo in Passenger Compartment (Cancelled, 2022-07-31)
CASA 2020-03 2021-07-29 COVID-19: Continuing Health Guidance for Private and Commercial Air Operators and Crew Members
CASA 2020-06 2020-05-11 Concurrent operations of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and other aircraft types in close proximity
CASA 2019-08 2020-01-28 Suspected Unapproved Parts Alert: Aircraft Parts Distributed by Sofly Aviation Services, Inc.
CASA 2020-01 2020-02-14 Inspection of the Translating Cowl Doors
CASA 2019-10 2020-01-10 North Atlantic High Level Airspace (NAT HLA) (Cancelled, 2022-02-20)
CASA 2019-11 2020-01-01 Helicopter External Loads
CASA 2019-07 2019-12-12 Reducing Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in General Aviation Aircraft
CASA 2019-06 2019-11-08 External Hoist Hook Bumper is Vulnerable to Incorrect Assembly
CASA 2019-09 2019-11-15 Use of SAE Type I Fluid as an Anti-icing Fluid
CASA 2019-05 2019-09-09 Bell 206L Cracks in Fuselage
CASA 2019-04 2019-07-24 P&WC PT6B-37A Engines - Compliance with Airworthiness Directive CF-2019-05
CASA 2015-04 2019-08-05 Stabilized Approach
CASA 2019-02 2019-03-01 Quad City Challenger II Lift Strut Brackets
CASA 2019-01 2019-01-11 DHC-3 Front Float Strut Vulnerable to Fracture
CASA 2018-11 2018-12-31 Risk of Fuel Boost Pump Unporting with Low Fuel Levels and Uncoordinated Flight
CASA 2018-10 2018-11-16 Cracking of Main Rotor Transmission Bevel Gears
CASA 2018-09 2018-11-01 The Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS) and Aircraft Tracking
CASA 2018-08 2018-09-29 Operations with Aeroplanes Utilizing TALPA-Based Performance Information to Calculate Landing Distance
CASA 2018-07 2018-09-28 Performance Data (Performance Information) Requirements for Subpart 705 Air Operators
CASA 2018-06 2018-07-20 Airport Lighting Deficient Lamps
CASA 2018-05 2018-05-07 Pratt & Whitney PT6B-37A Engines with Fuel Control Units Overhauled after December 2016
CASA 2018-04 2018-04-13 Passengers retrieving carry-on baggage during evacuations
CASA 2018-01 2018-03-15 Potential safety issues associated with RNAV approaches which have track changes at the final approach fix/final approach waypoint (FAF/FAWP)
CASA 2018-02 2018-03-14 Use of Seatbelts and Cargo Security
CASA 2018-03 2018-03-23 Kobe Steel Ltd. Possible Non-conforming Material
CASA 2017-09 2023-02-17 Use of holdover timetables and holdover time determination systems in heavy snow conditions
CASA 2017-08 2017-12-08 Operational level of language proficiency prior to engaging in radiotelephony communications
CASA 2017-07 2017-08-29 Bell Helicopter 204B Tail Rotor Pitch Change Chain Configuration Control
CASA 2017-06 2017-08-09 Unapproved Parts Alert: Unapproved Batteries Installed or Intended to be Installed on Ameri-King Corporation AK-451 Model Emergency Locator Transmitters
CASA 2017-05 2017-07-25 Post Compressor Wash Drying Runs
CASA 2017-03 2017-05-01 Replacement of the Operating Conditions and Special Certificates of Airworthiness – Limited Issued Under Exemptions Dated Before 2017
CASA 2017-02 2017-03-29 Loss of Hardware - Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Couplings
CASA 2017-01 2017-02-22 Robinson R22 Main Rotor Blade Fatigue Cracks
CASA 2016-14 2016-12-09 Piper PA-28 Control Column Tee Bar Assembly Cracking and Failure
CASA 2016-13 2016-12-09 Oil System Servicing
CASA 2016-12 2016-12-23 UPDATE - Prohibition of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones
CASA 2016-11 2016-11-03 UPDATE - Inspection and Replacement of Engine Mount Legs on Bell Helicopter Model 206L-Series Helicopters
CASA 2016-10 2017-03-21 Nose Landing Gear Failure to Extend
CASA 2016-09 2016-10-31 Pilot Proficiency Checks
CASA 2016-08 2016-08-12 United States Implementation of Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA)
CASA 2016-07 2016-08-15 Importance of proper storage practices
CASA 2016-06 2016-08-12 Boeing B75N1 equipped with Hartzell model 11C1 propeller blades
CASA 2016-05 2016-05-10 Unapproved Parts Notification Affecting Parts Manufactured, Sold or Distributed by Ameri-King Corporation
CASA 2016-04 2016-04-05 Transportation of Lithium Ion or Lithium Metal Batteries as Cargo on Aircraft
CASA 2016-03 2016-03-02 In-Flight Shutdowns Resulting from High Pressure Turbine Blade Distress Due to Operation in Harsh Environments
CASA 2016-02 2016-02-12 The possibility of smoke or fire from Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) or their lithium ion batteries (Cancelled, 2023-05-18)
CASA 2016-01 2016-01-20 PT6A-64 and PT6A-66D engine oil discoloration associated with carbon particles
CASA 2015-05 2015-08-21 Unmanned Aircraft Interference with Manned Aircraft Operations including Near Forest Fires – Safety Impact and Consequences
CASA 2015-06 2015-12-22 Removal of non-glycol Type I de-icing fluid from the 2015-2016 holdover time guidelines (Cancelled, 2023-05-18)
CASA 2010-02 2015-07-02 Added Elevator Force Required for Takeoff Rotation on Airplanes with Unpowered Elevator Controls when Treated with Thickened (type ii, iii or iv) Anti-icing Fluids
CASA 2015-03 2015-06-23 PW500 Series Engines Operated Infrequently And Use Of 3rd Generation Oil
CASA 2013-04 2015-05-25 Issue 02 - Defective Standard Aircraft Hardware - Self-Locking Nuts - MS21042 and NAS1291
CASA 2015-02 2015-04-01 Safety Notice To Air Operators, Foreign Air Operators And Private Operators, Using Engine-out Departure Procedures (EODP) And Engine-out Missed Approach Procedures (EOMAP)
CASA 2015-01 2017-04-21 Robinson R44 Main Rotor Blade Fatigue Cracks
CASA 2014-04 2014-10-22 Issue 02 Negative Torque Sensing System (NTS)
CASA 2014-05 2014-09-19 Preventive Maintenance of Inpavement Lights
CASA 2014-02 2014-07-17 Installation in DHC-2 Aeroplanes Not Originally Equipped of an Artificial Stall Warning System
CASA 2014-03 2014-06-27 Using SMS to Address Hazards and Risks Associated with Unstable Approaches
CASA 2014-01 2014-01-28 Galley or Lavatory Water Heater Overheat
CASA 2013-08 2013-11-14 BAE Series 3100 and 3200 (Jetstream) Landing Gear Component Life Limits
CASA 2013-03 2013-11-05 Potential for AS350/EC130 engine inlet (plenum) icing
CASA 2013-07 2013-10-29 Importance Of Compressor And Turbine Washes (All PT6A)
CASA 2013-06 2013-10-04 Potential Jam Of The Manual Gear Release Cable On Bombardier CL-600-2B19 Aeroplanes
CASA 2013-05 2013-09-25 Accumulation of Aircraft Anti-Icing Fluid (SAE Type IV) on Runways
CASA 2013-02 2013-06-04 Bombardier Rotax 912 and 914 “UL” Series Engines
CASA 2013-01 2013-04-24 Unapproved equipment installation and/or configuration of the aeroplane
CASA 2012-02 2012-09-12 Inadvertent Activation of the Master Power Emergency Switch by the Co-Pilot Sunvisor Interference
CASA 2012-01 2012-06-07 Windshield Cracking and Electrical Arcing Due to Loose Windshield Heater Electrical Terminal
CASA 2011-07 2011-10-21 Nose Landing Gear Fork Assembly – Inspection / Replacement
CASA 2011-06 2011-10-18 Elevator Trim Actuator – Failure Cessna U206F
CASA 2011-05 2011-09-21 Extremely flammable substance discovered in baggage and cargo
CASA 2011-04 2011-09-02 Zenair CH2000 Nose Landing Gear Weld Cracking
CASA 2011-03 2011-06-03 Voluntary Adoption of Floatplane Safety Best Industry Practices
CASA 2011-02 2011-05-31 Piper PA-25 Main Landing Gear Hydrasorb Shock Absorber Assemblies
CASA 2011-01 2011-01-21 Safety Information Regarding Ground and Airborne Icing
CASA 2010-01 2010-10-01 Introduction of the Civil Aviation Safety Alert