Flight Training – Guides
- Aeroplane Flight Test Guides
- Recreational
- Private
- Commercial
- Instrument
- Flight Instructor
- Multi-Engine
- VFR Navigation Progress Test
- Helicopter Flight Test Guides
- Private & Commercial
- Instrument
- Flight Instructor
- Ultra-light Aeroplane Flight Test Guide
- Flight Test Guide - Ultra-light Aeroplane
- Flight Instructor Guides
- Seaplane
- Aeroplane
- Multi-Engine
- Complex Aeroplane
- Helicopter
To determine that the trainee can recognize indications of the approach to either departure or arrival stalls, the full stall, and can accomplish a positive and smooth recovery with a minimum loss of altitude.
At an operationally safe altitude that allows recovery at or above the altitude recommended by the manufacturer or 2,000 feet AGL, whichever is higher, the stall manoeuvres will be entered from practical flight situations such as slow flight, simulated overshoot, or climbing or descending turns. The aeroplane configuration for the stalls shall be specified by the instructor.
Performance Criteria
The trainee will:
- complete appropriate safety precautions before entering a stall;
- establish the appropriate configuration;
- transition smoothly to a pitch attitude that will induce a stall;
- recognize and announce the onset of the stall by identifying the first aerodynamic buffeting or decay of control effectiveness;
- stall the aeroplane;
- use immediate and correct recovery procedures;
- retract flaps to the recommended setting and retract landing gear (where applicable) after a positive rate of climb is established, or as recommended by the manufacturer;
- accelerate to at least Vx+10 knots or the speed recommended by the manufacturer, before a final flap retraction;
- avoid secondary stall, excessive airspeed, or excessive altitude loss;
- return to the altitude, heading and airspeed specified by the instructor.