Exercise 27 - Practical Loading and Maximum Weight Operations


Flight Manual

  • Weight and Balance
  • Performance Charts
  • Air Regulations and ANO's re passenger briefing



For the student to learn safe loading and operation of the helicopter up to maximum approved gross weight.


It is important that the pilot can make full use of his aircraft's capabilities, at the same time being fully aware of it's safe limitations.


  • Aircraft limitations
  • Passenger safety

Teaching Points

  1. Describe the practical aspects of loading and unloading cargo, as applicable to type, including the following:
    1. storage;
    2. security; and
    3. dangerous cargo.
  2. Describe the position and use of mandatory safety cards, and the practical aspects of embarking, carrying and disembarking passengers, stressing the need to brief on the following.
    1. location and operation of the ELT;
    2. location and operation of all doors and windows;
    3. location and operation of cargo compartment(s) or pods;
    4. operation of seat belts and shoulder harnesses;
    5. location and operation of fire extinguisher(s);
    6. smoking;
    7. location of first aid kit(s) and survival gear;
    8. hazards associated with main and tail rotor:
    9. specialized instructions concerning job at hand; and
    10. hand signals for ground crew.
  3. Point out the effects of increased weight and/or density altitude on power required, power available and performance, including autorotational performance, as applicable to type.



  1. Although included as one exercise in this guide, instruction and experience in loading and load carrying should be introduced progressively during the course after completion of the basic exercises. In some turbine helicopters, it is also possible for students to experience passenger carrying by embarking other students on dual training flight.
  2. Exercises that are reviewed at different aircraft weights up to maximum gross weight, should include: