Exercise 30 - Instrument Flying 4 - Emergencies



For the student to learn how to handle in-flight emergencies under instrument flight conditions.


Point out that emergencies can occur as easily in instrument as in visual flight conditions. Practising emergency procedures under simulated conditions will make an actual emergency easier to handle.

Teaching Points

    1. Engine Failure

      Explain that:

      1. Entry into autorotation should be made normally, with an accent on smooth handling of the controls.
      2. Airspeed should be for minimum rate of descent.
      3. After autorotoation is established, gentle turns can be made if required - e.g. away from known obstacles or into the last known wind.
      4. An autorotation from an actual engine failure would hopefully be terminated under clear hood conditions in a normal manner. Practice autorotations should be terminated with an overshoot at a safe altitude.
    2. Airframe Emergencies

      Review as appropriate to type and point out any special considerations for instrument flight.

    3. Communication Failure

      Review Emergencies and Equipment Failure - IFR as specified in A.I.P. Canada.



    1. Review earlier exercises as required.
    2. Demonstrate entry into autorotation, descent and overshoot.
    3. Student practice.
    4. Demonstrate emergency procedures as appropriate to type.
    5. Student practice.
    6. Student practice - communication failures.