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SR 12 - Recommend Transport Canada review the capabilities of existing Very High Frequency (VHF) repeater stations (Highways, Forestry, Coast Guard, etc.) to determine if additional VHF frequencies could be installed to improve communications, especially the dissemination of weather information.

SR 13 - Recommend Transport Canada publish an article in the Aviation Safety Letter and Aviation Safety Vortex newsletters to remind pilots to eliminate unnecessary conversation on common VHF frequencies.

IA 13 - Recommend pilots exercise good airmanship by eliminating unnecessary conversations on common VHF frequencies.

SR 14 - Recommend Flight Service Station (FSS) Specialists, on initial contact with the pilot, give traffic information first followed by the balance of the required information, and if the pilot advises that he has the information, i.e. the wind, altimeter, and active/preferred runway, the FSS Specialist should relay only the traffic information.

IA 14 - Recommend pilots inform FSS on initial contact that they have the "numbers".

SR 15 - Recommend NAV CANADA assign a new high altitude enroute frequency and designate 126.7 as a low altitude enroute frequency to reduce frequency congestion.

SR 16 - Recommend Transport Canada allocate additional frequencies for Aerodrome Traffic Frequencies to reduce the overlap of transmissions between aerodromes and relieve the congestion and interference on the designated frequency.

SR 17 - Recommend that maintenance vehicles at uncontrolled aerodromes be equipped with VHF radios and vehicle operators be trained to provide vehicle-aircraft conflict information and runway condition information where no other service is available.

SR 18 - Recommend Transport Canada publish an article in the Aviation Safety Letter and Aviation Safety Vortex newsletters to remind pilots, when making a position report, to refer to a local geographic point only if it is published on a visual flight rules (VFR) chart or in the Canada Flight Supplement (CFS).

IA 18 - Recommend pilots refer to a local geographic point when making position reports only if it is published on a VFR chart or in the CFS.

SR 19 - Recommend NAV CANADA publish an article in the Aviation Safety Air Traffic newsletter reminding controllers that they should not request a pilot to report over a local geographic point unless it is published on a VFR chart or in the CFS.

SR 20 - Recommend NAV CANADA promote the benefits of having Community Aerodrome Radio Station Observers/Communicators in northern aerodromes where the service is not presently established.