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Operating Pressures

SR 35 - Recommend that air operators and pilots not be told of the patient's critical condition prior to or during a MEDEVAC flight, only cabin requirements, such as temperature or cabin altitude, should be discussed.

SR 36 - Recommend Transport Canada promote awareness of the Canada Labour Code, Part II and the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Regulations to the aviation industry.

IA 36 - Recommend air operators and pilots educate themselves on the Canada Labour Code, Part II and the OSH Regulations.

SR 37 - Recommend Transport Canada investigate a means to require air operators to remunerate pilots in a way that eliminates the operating pressures associated with the method of payment.

IA 37 - Recommend air operators and pilots acknowledge the negative effect that the "pay-bythe-mile" method of payment can have on safe operational decision making. Recommend air operators and pilots make decisions based on safety, not remuneration and that air operators consider other methods of remunerating pilots.