Chapter 5 - Ground Crew Supplement

Role of Ground Crew

1.  Your role in "The Clean Aircraft Concept" starts before you get to the apron. If the conditions that promote icing are present, you have to be alert before you get out there. When in doubt, ask the weather office for the most up-to-date forecasts. Find out what kind of temperatures and precipitation aircraft will experience on the apron. If precipitation is forecast, find out what kind.

2.  Check your manuals for the correct de-icing procedures for the various aircraft you'll be servicing. Some aircraft have specific control surface settings for de-icing. The pilot should know them and you should be familiar with these recommendations as well.

3.  Ground Crew are an important part of the flight team. The aircraft crew usually meet before a flight and good pilots involve everyone in the watch for contamination. But cabin and cockpit crew can't see all the aircraft surfaces from inside the aircraft. You have to be their eyes and hands.