Operational Airworthiness
Cockpit Voice Recorder Recordings Evaluation
(This Airworthiness Notice supersedes AN No. D004 Edition 3 dated 26 August 1998.)
This notice outlines procedures associated with the initial evaluation of cockpit voice recorder (CVR) recordings and the criteria to be used for the recognition of the CVR playback and evaluation facilities.
The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) standard, Airworthiness Manual section 551.101 specifies requirements associated with CVR installation. These regulations require that the applicant for approval of the installation submit to Transport Canada a test recording made under the actual noise conditions of flight.
Applicants shall:
- Negotiate arrangements with a recognized CVR playback facility for the analysis of recorded material; and upon return,
- Submit evidence to the Regional Manager Aircraft Certification from the recognized CVR playback facility demonstrating that the quality and the intelligibility of the recorded information are satisfactory.
Requirements for Recognition of the CVR Playback Facility for Installation
Criteria for the recognition of the CVR playback facility shall be based upon standards contained in EUROCAE ED?56A (Appendix 1), which is the basis for FAA TSO C-123. This document defines the minimum specification to be met for a CVR system for the purpose of the investigation of a reportable accident. It is applicable to non-deployable, crash-protected CVRs, ancillary equipment and their installation in civil aircraft.
Recognized CVR Playback Facilities
Recognized playback facilities are listed below:
- Flight Recorder Playback Centre, AMO 40-00
1920 Research Rd.
Building U61, Suite 151 Ottawa (Ontario)
K1V 9B4
Contact:Vince Schoenrank
- Western Avionics
Avionics Sales and Services
Hangar 60
275 Palmer Road N.E.
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 7G4
Contact: Mr. D. Parkin
Tel: (403) 250-2644
Fax: (403) 250-2622
- Pacific Avionics and Instruments Ltd.
4200 Cowley Crescent
Vancouver International Airport
Richmond, British Columbia
V7B 1B8
Contact: M.G. Bott
Telephone: (604) 278-2105
Fax: (604) 278-9729
- Foreign manufacturers, which have been recognized by their respective airworthiness authority as a playback, centre for their individual CVRs.
For Minister of Transport
M.J. Eley
Director, Aircraft Certification