Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt the:

holder of an applicable AME license issued under Subpart 403 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs); and

holder of an applicable Aircraft Certifying Authorization (ACA) or Shop Certifying Authorization (SCA) issued by an Approved Maintenance Organization, where the Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) of the AMO has been amended and approved by the Minister allowing the use of the revised Appendix K provided by this exemption,

from the requirements of Appendix K Training of Technicians to Perform Specific Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Tasks to Standard 571 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) made pursuant to subsection 571.02(3), schedule I of the CARs.  Appendix K prescribes the training requirements that may be used as a basis of qualification for technicians performing certain kinds of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) as an alternative to certification in accordance with National Standards.


The purpose of this exemption is to permit the holder of an applicable AME license issued under Subpart 403 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), and the holder of an applicable Aircraft Certifying Authorization (ACA) or Shop Certifying Authorization (SCA) issued by an Approved Maintenance Organization, where the Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) of the AMO has been amended and approved by the Minister, to utilize amended and clarified training requirements as a basis of qualification for technicians performing certain kinds of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).


This exemption applies to the holder of an applicable AME license issued under Subpart 403 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and the holder of an applicable Aircraft Certifying Authorization (ACA) or Shop Certifying Authorization (SCA) issued by an Approved Maintenance Organization, where the Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) of the AMO has been amended and approved by the Minister, when using Appendix A attached to this exemption which provides amended and clarified training requirements as a basis of qualification for technicians performing certain kinds of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).


This exemption is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMOs) which are utilizing the revised requirements of Appendix K to Standard 571 as detailed in Appendix A of this exemption as an alternative basis of meeting training requirements for the qualification of technicians performing certain kinds of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) shall have their Maintenance Policy Manual amended and approved by the Minister to identify the use of Appendix A to this exemption; and
  1. An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME), or an AMO that has its Maintenance Policy Manual amended and approved by the Minister permitting the use of the revised requirements of Appendix K to Standard 571 as detailed in Appendix A to this exemption, shall follow limitations and conditions identified in Appendix A. 


This exemption is in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. The date on which an amendment related to the subject matter and purpose of this exemption modifying Appendix K – Standards Respecting Training of Technicians To Perform Specific Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Tasks, comes into effect;

  2. The date on which any one of the conditions set out in this exemption is breached; or

  3. The date on which this exemption is cancelled in writing by the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, where he or she is of the opinion it is no longer in the public interest, or is likely to affect aviation safety.

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, and Canada this 16th day of  August 2006, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Original signed by

D. B. Sherritt
Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing

Appendix A

Training of Technicians To Perform Specific Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Tasks

(1) Purpose

This appendix prescribes alternative training requirements that may be used as a basis of qualification for technicians performing certain kinds of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), as an alternative to certification in accordance with National Standards.

(2) Limitations

(a) The provisions of this appendix apply only to NDT using Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Ultrasonic, and Eddy Current methods.

(b) Authorization to conduct NDT under the provisions of this appendix is limited to the inspection of specified components for predictable discontinuities. The inspections must have clear, objective acceptance criteria.

Information Note: These relatively restricted privileges differ from those of NDT AMOs and holders of CGSB and other nationally recognized standards, who need not be limited to the inspection of particular components, and may be granted broad privileges within the scope of the methods for which they are rated.

(3) Training providers

Organizations providing training in accordance with this appendix shall be:

(a) Recognized NDT training institutes;

(b) Approved Maintenance Organizations holding appropriate NDT ratings; or

(c) Persons authorized by the holder of an aeronautical product type certificate, in respect of NDT of the product concerned.

(4) Scope of Training

(a) The training shall be acceptable to the Minister and shall include, for each NDT method involved, an outline of theory equivalent to that specified for CGSB Level 1, insofar as it relates to the range of components the technician will be authorized to inspect.

(b) The training shall cover the application of the theory to the specific components the technician will be authorized to inspect. Where several similar items are involved, the training need not involve every configuration or part number affected, provided the samples used in the training are representative of the group as a whole.

(c) The training organization shall test each trainee, by written and practical examination, using sample aeronautical products representative of those listed on the certificate of training. The examiner shall ensure that the technicians are capable of carrying out the inspections satisfactorily without supervision.

(5) Documentation

(a) The training organization shall provide each graduate with documentation confirming his or her successful completion of the training, indicating the specific NDT tasks and components on which the trainee has demonstrated competence.

(b) The training documentation specified in (a) shall be retained by the trainee and, where the trainee is employed within an Approved Maintenance Organization, the organization shall retain a copy of the document on the trainee’s record of training and experience, together with a description of the scope of NDT work he or she is authorized to perform within the organization.

(6) Persons eligible

Persons performing NDT under the provisions of this appendix must be either;

(a) The holder of an applicable AME license issued under Subpart 403 of the CARs, or

(b) The holder of an applicable Aircraft Certifying Authorization or Shop Certifying Authorization issued by an Approved maintenance Organization.

(7) Recurrent training

(a) Where the technician is employed by an AMO, update training shall be conducted under the AMO’s training program, at whatever frequency may be found necessary in response to the findings of the AMO’s internal quality assurance audits.

(b) Technicians who are not employed by an AMO shall undergo update training every two years.

(c) Update training shall be provided by a training provider identified in (3).

(d) The scope of the update training shall take into account the technician’s recent experience in the performance of NDT since the last training received.

(e) To enable the assessment of recent experience required by (c) the technician shall maintain a record of each inspection carried out under this appendix, including dates, times, location, equipment used, aircraft identity, and other pertinent information.


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