Exemption from Paragraph 202.01(1)(a), Subsection 202.13(2) and Section 202.26 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations

Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt Skykits Corporation Ltd., 525 Douglas Glen Pt. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2Z, 3P9 and employees of the company from the requirement set out in paragraph 202.01(1)(a), subsection 202.13(2) and section 202.26 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, subject to the following conditions:

Paragraph 202.01(1)(a) states that - no person shall operate an aircraft in Canada unless its marks are visible and are displayed

  1. in the case of a Canadian aircraft, in accordance with the requirements of the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards;

Subsection 202.13(2) states that - Except as otherwise authorized under subsection 202.14(1) or 202.43(1), no person shall operate an aircraft in Canada unless it is registered in Canada.
Section 202.26 requires that - No person shall operate an aircraft in Canada, other than an aircraft referred to in subsection 202.43(1), or a Canadian aircraft outside Canada unless the certificate of registration issued in respect of the aircraft is carried on board the aircraft.


The purpose of this exemption is to permit Skykits Corporation Ltd. and it’s employees to fly Savannah type Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes manufactured by I.C.P. S.r.L. of Italy for the purposes of test flights so that the subject aircraft may be exported to the United States. This exemption will allow the aircraft to fly without being registered in Canada, as to do so would mean the aircraft could not be legally registered in the United States in their Light Sport Aeroplane category.


This exemption applies only to Savannah type Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes manufactured by I.C.P. S.r.L. of Italy and operated in Canada by Skykits Corporation Ltd.


This exemption is subject to the following conditions:

  1. There shall be no more than 10 hours of test flying completed on each individual aircraft.  All test flights shall be completed within a 30-day period from the date of the first flight.
  2. All test flights shall be conducted within a maximum 25 nm radius of the High River Regional Airport.
  3. Except in an emergency, landing and takeoffs shall only be permitted from the High River Regional Airport (Alberta) and the Vulcan Airport (Alberta).
  4. The pilot of the aircraft shall be an employee of Skykits Corporation Ltd. and shall hold a valid Canadian Pilot License or permit that grants privileges to fly the applicable aircraft type.
  5. Skykits Corporation Ltd. shall inform the Regional Manager- General Aviation- Prairie and Northern Region, in writing prior to the commencement of the first test flight for a specific aircraft and upon completion of the final test flight for that aircraft.
  6. The notification referred to above shall indicate the name of the pilot, license number, aircraft type and serial number.
  7. Only crew essential to the safe conduct of the test flight shall be carried on board the aircraft.
  8. Aircraft test flown under exemption shall be exported to and registered in a country other than Canada for a period not less than 6 months prior to being eligible for registration in Canada.
  9. An aircraft journey log or daily flight sheet shall be kept in accordance with CARs 605.94 and 605.95.  This record shall be produced upon request for inspection by Transport Canada delegation officers and inspectors.

Exemption Cancellation

The exemption from the requirements set out in paragraph 202.01(1)(a), subsection 202.13(2) and section 202.26 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations issued to Skykits Corporation Ltd., 525 Douglas Glen Pt. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2Z 3P9 and its employees, on February 24, 2006 by the Regional Director, Civil Aviation, Prairie & Northern Region, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, is hereby canceled because it is the opinion of the Minister that it is no longer in the

public interest or is likely to affect aviation safety.


The exemption shall be valid until the earliest of;

  1. September 1, 2007 at 00:01 MDT;
  2. the date on which any condition set out in this exemption is breached;
  3. the date on which this exemption is canceled in writing by the Minister where he is of the opinion that it is no longer in the public interest or is likely to affect aviation safety;
  4. the date upon which the Savannah aircraft manufactured by I.C.P. S.r.L. in Italy is removed from the Transport Canada “Listing of Models Eligible to be Registered as Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes (AULA)”

Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada this 24 day of March 2006, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Original Signed by Jim Stewart

Jim Stewart acting for
Regional Director Civil Aviation
Prairie & Northern Region
Transport Canada

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