Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt Zip Air Inc., 8050 - 22nd Street NE, Hangar 101, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7H6, operating under Subpart 5 of Part VII of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), from the application of subparagraph 705.124(2)(a)(ii) of the CARs and paragraphs 725.124 (28) (d) and (e) of the Commercial Air Services Standards (CASS), made pursuant to paragraph 705.124 (1)(b) of the CARs.

The requirements of subparagraph 705.124 (2)(a)(ii) of the CARs and paragraphs 725.124 (28) (d) and (e) of the CASS are detailed in Appendix A to this exemption.


The purpose of this exemption is to allow Zip Air Inc. and its pilots to carry over the training and procedures previously acquired at Air Canada, in accordance with CAR 705.124 (1)(b) and the corresponding Commercial Air Services Standards.

Line indoctrination training and line check in this case have already been completed as part of the pilots training with Air Canada. Pilots will be operating the same aircraft, using the same standard operating procedures, on the same routes as Air Canada. 


This exemption applies solely to Zip Air Inc. and to pilots who have completed the line indoctrination and line check with Air Canada and who will be operating as pilots for Zip Air Inc.


This exemption shall be subject to the following conditions:

  1. All pilots shall complete the Zip Air Inc. Flight Operations Company Indoctrination Training prior to their first flight with Zip Air Inc.
  1. This exemption shall not apply to pilots transferring from First officer to Captain and Captain to First officer. 
  1. Pilot qualifications due dates shall remain the same as if the pilot had remained at Air Canada until superseded by Zip Air Inc. initial, recurrent training or re-qualification at Zip Air Inc.
  1. Pilots shall no longer fly Air Canada airplanes once that pilot has completed his/her first flight at Zip Air Inc.
  1. A copy of this exemption and a copy of the previous training record of pilots with Air Canada shall be put and remain on the pilots training file prior to the commencement of the first flight at Zip Air Inc.


This exemption is in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. midnight EDT on April 1, 2003
  2. the date on which any of the conditions set out in this exemption is breached; or
  3. the date on which this exemption is cancelled in writing by the Minister where he is of the opinion it is no longer in the public interest, or is likely to adversely affect aviation safety.


Dated at Ottawa, this 20th day of September 2002, on behalf of the Minister of Transport Canada

Original signed by
R. Shuter  for

Merlin Preuss
Director General
Civil Aviation


CARs 705

705.124 (1) Every air operator shall establish and maintain a training program that is

  1. designed to ensure that each person who receives training acquires the competence to perform the person's assigned duties; and
  2. approved by the Minister in accordance with the Commercial Air Service Standards and, in respect of flight attendants, in accordance with the Commercial Air Service Standards and the Flight Attendant Training Standard.

(2) An air operator's training program shall include

  1. for flight crew members:
    1. company indoctrination training,
    2. line indoctrination training,
    3. upgrading training, where applicable, and
    4. initial and annual training, including
      1. aircraft type training,
      2. aircraft servicing and ground handling training,
      3. emergency procedures training, and
      4. aircraft surface contamination training;

CASS 725

(28) Transportability of a Pilot Proficiency Check - Training Required
Transportability of Pilot Proficiency Checks from one air operator to another is permitted subject to the hiring air operator providing the following training, which shall be specified in the approved operations/training manual:

  1. company indoctrination;
  2. pilot ground and emergency procedures training on each type of aeroplane the pilot is assigned, sufficient to cover the air operator procedures and equipment differences;
  3. standard operating procedures review;
  4. Sufficient line indoctrination to allow the pilot to become familiar with the air operator routes and operational procedures. In no case shall this be less than two sectors over typical route segments that the air operator flies;
    (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)
  5. completion of a line check; and (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)
  6. the hiring air operator records the PPC validity and expiration date in company records.  (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)
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