Pursuant to Subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the Exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt holders of airport certificates identified in subsection 302.01 (1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) from the requirements set out in subsection a. of the Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices (TP312 E, 4th Edition) made pursuant to subparagraphs 302.07(1)(a)(i) and (ii) of Part III, Subpart 2 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, subject to the following conditions.

Subsection of TP 312 E (Chapter 8) is reproduced in Appendix A of this Exemption.


This Exemption is designed to enable holders of airport certificates to install on runway strips, under certain conditions, material or equipment necessary to fight bird hazards in the vicinity of take-off and landing areas, such as bird scaring devices.


This Exemption applies to holders of airport certificates identified in subsection 302.01 (1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), in respect of runway strips referred to in section

This Exemption does not apply to runway end safety areas, taxiway strips or within the distances specified in Table 3-1.

This Exemption is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The material is located at a minimum distance of at least equivalent to that of the taxi-holding position established at a taxiway/runway intersection.
  2. This distance corresponds to the farthest taxi-holding position, based on that specific runway code and type of approach, as required in subsection and Table 3-2 of TP 312 E, 4th Edition. This subsection and Table are reproduced in Appendix B of this document.
  3. The results of the tests on the material located above the ground must demonstrate conformity to the relevant ICAO frangibility requirements - ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4.
  4. The equipment must have been submitted for analysis in order to confirm the presence of a mechanism, which allows the physical disengagement of the propane tank (if applicable) or any other comparable equipment, following an impact.
  5. Testing and verification shall certify that the security components of a propane tank (if any) or any other comparable equipment, will automatically stop the flow of gas following a possible breach of the ducting.
  6. In addition to the material installed above the ground as specified in condition number (3), propulsion equipment (i.e. propane tank) shall be secured and buried under the ground in order to avoid irregularities or potential fire on the runway strip surface, and ensure an optimum level of safety in the case of a track excursion by an aircraft.
  7. All tests required in conditions (3), (4) and (5), shall be conducted and certified by an authorized and responsible firm. Statements of authority validating the collected data shall be placed in the documentation and provided to Transport Canada Civil Aviation in order to support the tests.
  8. A training program must be provided to employees authorized to do the maintenance on those systems. Information related to this program, must be documented and available.


This Exemption remains in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. The date on which any of the condition set out in this Exemption is breached;
  2. The date on which an amendment to the appropriate provisions of the Canadian Aviation
    Regulations or related standards comes into force;
  3. The date on which the Exemption is cancelled by the Minister in writing, where he is of the opinion
    that it is no longer in the public interest, or that it is likely to affect aviation safety.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada this 4 day of August 2009, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Original Signed by:
Judy Rutherford for/

Martin Eley
Director General, Civil Aviation


Appendix A

TP 312 - Aerodromes - Standards and Recommended Practices (revised 03/2005), Chapter 8 - Equipment, installations and operations: 8.6 – Sitting and construction of equipment and installations on operational areas. Standard - Unless its function requires it to be there for air navigation purposes, no equipment or installation shall be:

  1. on a runway strip, a runway end safety area, a taxiway strip or within the distances specified in Table 3-1, column 4, if it would endanger an aircraft;

  2. on a clearway if it would endanger an aircraft in the air.


Appendix B

TP 312 - Aerodromes - Standards and Recommended Practices (revised 03/2005), Chapter 3 – Physical characteristics: 3.5.2 - Taxi-holding Positions.

Location Standard - Except as specified in para, the distance between a taxi-holding position established at a taxiway/runway intersection and the centre line of a runway shall be not less than the appropriate dimension specified in Table 3-2, and in the case of a precision approach runway, such that a holding aircraft or vehicle will not interfere with the operation of radio navigation aids.

Table 3-2. Minimum distance from the runway centre line to a holding bay,
Taxi-holding position, or road-holding position

Type of Runway


Non-instrument approach

Non precision approach

Precision approach Cat I

Precision approach Cat II and III

Take-off Runway






30 m

40 m

75 m

75 m

40 m

40 m

75 m

75 m

60 m (1)

60 m (1)

90 m (1)

90 m (1)



90 m (1)

90 m (1)

30 m

40 m

75 m

75 m

Note 1 - This distance shall not be closer than the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area.

Note 2 - The distance of 90 m where the code number is 4, is based on an aeroplane with a tail height of 20 m, a distance from the nose to the highest part of the tail of 52.7 m and a nose height of 10 m holding at an angle of 45 degrees or more with respect to the runway centre line, being clear of the obstacle free zone and not accountable for the calculation of obstacle clearance for instrument approach procedures.

Note 3 - The distance of 60 m where the code number 2 is based on an aeroplane with a tail height of 8 m, a distance from the nose to the highest part of the tail of 24.6 and a nose height of 5.2 m holding at an angle of 45 degrees or more with respect to the runway centre line, being clear of the obstacle free zone.


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