Maintenance and Manufacturing Policy Letters (MPL)


MPL 13
Mass Production of Amateur-built Aircraft
Revision No:


Number of Pages:
File No:  AARP-5009-0-13
Issue Date:



1. Purpose 

1.1 The purpose of this letter is to define Transport Canada's interpretation of the phrase "mass production", as found in paragraph (13) of Part II of Appendix A of the Ministerial Exemption that implements the revised standards governing the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft.

2. Background

2.1 On 23 April 2002, a ministerial exemption, signed by the Director General, Civil Aviation, implemented the revised standards governing the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft, as approved by the members of the CARAC Part V Maintenance and Manufacturing Technical Committee.

2.2 Amongst other things, the exemption allows persons who apply for a special certificate of airworthiness in the amateur-built classification to contract for professional assistance in the construction or assembly of parts of the aircraft, provided the work is subject to the builder's overall control. The intent of this provision in the revised standard is to allow a builder to seek assistance with the construction of those parts of the aircraft where the builder does not feel competent.

2.3 Paragraph (12) of Part II of Appendix A of the ministerial exemption states that "the aircraft shall be constructed as a unique and individual project".

2.4 Paragraph (13) states that "the aircraft shall not be constructed under a mass production system". 

3. Policy Statement

3.1 For the purpose of compliance with the standards governing the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft as implemented by the ministerial exemption, Transport Canada interprets the phrase "mass production" to mean: the simultaneous construction, by the same builder, of more than one of the same type and model of amateur-built aeroplane, glider, rotorcraft, manned free balloon or airship. Aircraft constructed under a mass production system would not be considered to comply with the requirements and therefore would not be eligible for a flight authority.

3.2 The definition of the phrase "mass production" will be added to the standards governing the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft. 

4. Effective date

4.1 This policy comes into effect immediately.  

5. Expiry

5.1 This policy expires upon the publication of revised standards governing the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft.  

6. Contact

6.1 The responsible division indicated below may be contacted for information regarding this MPL:

Policy Development AARPC

D.B. Sherritt
Maintenance and Manufacturing